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爱上海后花园论坛  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都接触过很多优秀的句子吧,句子能表达一个完整的意思,如告诉别人一件事情,提出一个问题,表示要求或者制止,表示某种感慨,表示对一段话的延续或省略。什么样的句子才经典呢?下面是小编收集整理的关于自由的英文句子,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。


  1、Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it . 想要收获自由之果的人,必须承受维护自由的劳苦。

  2、The truth is cruel ,but it can be loved ,and it makes free those who have loved it.尽管真理是无情的,但也是可爱的,它使爱它的人自由。

  3、That freedom and order are not incompatible ;that reverence is the maid of knowledge; that free discussion is the life of truth, and of true unity in a nation. 自由与秩序并非必然互相排斥,知识高于威严,自由讨论是真理的生命,也是国家真正团结统一的生命。

  4、There is in liberty as in innocence and virtue a satisfaction one can only feel in their enjoyment and a pleasure which can cease only when lost. 自由同清白与美德一样,只有在你享用它时,才感到满足,一旦失去它们,你就会感到欢乐停止了。

  5、Those who deny freedom to others hardly deserve it for themselves. 凡是不给别人自由的人,自己也无法得到。

  6、Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you give it to others.自由就是这样的东西,不给予别人你自己也无法得到。

  7、he first meaning of freedom is to take responsibility for oneself.

  8、Freedom has always been the most expensive of all wealth.

爱上海后花园论坛  9、Freedom has never been conquered by force.

  10、The tree of freedom must always be fed with the blood of tyrants.

  11、Freedom can only be preserved through friendship.

  12、There is no morality to deny freedom of will.

  13、The pursuit of freedom is the noble aspiration of human beings.

  14、Only a free soul can remain young forever.

爱上海后花园论坛  15、Freedom is a doctrine and an axiom.

  16、he best thing in the world is freedom of speech.

  17、Free land must be seized inch by inch.

爱上海后花园论坛  18、Money in people's hands is a tool to keep freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  19、To be free, one must live on the land of a legal system.

爱上海后花园论坛  20、Money is the freedom forged.

  21、Those who are willing to be slaves do not know the power of freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  22、Take righteousness and become benevolent. Free flowers are planted all over the world.

  23、Only educated people are free.

  24、The price we pay for money is freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  25、1Freedom falls only under her own sword.

  26、Natural science is a weapon for people to fight for freedom.

  27、reedom of thought is the highest independence.

  28、I knew that the lock listened to the golden cage, less than the free crow in the woods.

  29、Freedom should be an opportunity to make ourselves better.

  30、Without freedom of thought, there is no science and no truth.

  31、The purpose of freedom is to create freedom for others.

爱上海后花园论坛  32、Where justice dominates, freedom is obedience.

爱上海后花园论坛  33、Only with a high degree of freedom can we have a high degree of science.

爱上海后花园论坛  34、No one can deprive us of our free will.

  35、Freedom produces humor, and humor also produces freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  36、Science is inseparable from freedom of thought.

  37、Freedom is one of the greatest blessings God has bestowed on mankind.

  38、Life is very precious for a prince, but floating fame is not free.

  39、Once freedom takes root, it grows like a plant.

爱上海后花园论坛  40、From time to time, all the world works together, and the heroes are not free to be transported.

爱上海后花园论坛  41、Freedom is the only precious thing that mankind can be proud of.

  42、Maybe around me, you pursue the freedom of loneliness.

  43、When a person is locked up, he especially wants to run outside.

爱上海后花园论坛  44、In a free society, newspapers are a powerful force.

爱上海后花园论坛  45、Freedom of speech is the mother of all rights.

  46、Brave to leave, like a kite, fly to the sky, free and broad, blue so bright.

爱上海后花园论坛  47、When I yearn for freedom, I wait for bondage.

  48、Life is green, always hidden in the sleeve, walking freely.

  49、Man is free only by taking responsibility, which is the essence of life.

爱上海后花园论坛  50、Labor without creation is dull and labor without freedom is painful.

  51、You are free only when you do not call it goals or achievements.

爱上海后花园论坛  52、No one can deprive us of our free will.

爱上海后花园论坛  53、Real freedom can only be freedom under the law.

  54、When every cell in your body stops breathing, your soul is free.

爱上海后花园论坛  55、Freedom means that human rights are above everything else.

  56、Your heart is free. Follow it with all your courage.

  57、Free man thinks of death at least. His wisdom is not a meditation on death, but a meditation on life.

  58、All theories are against free will, and all experience is in favour of free will.

爱上海后花园论坛  59、If you can't break the confinement of your heart, even if it gives you the whole sky, you can't find the feeling of freedom.

  60、What is the guarantee of freedom? Is no longer ashamed of oneself.

爱上海后花园论坛  61、Freedom is determined by its own survival value, spirit and realm.

爱上海后花园论坛  62、Every person's identity is a kind of self-kidnapping, only loss is the way to freedom.

  63、If you are not your own master, you will not be free.

  64、Too close to freedom, too far to forget, keep a distance is the most important.

爱上海后花园论坛  65、Heart is free, courage to fly with your heart!


爱上海后花园论坛  67、Democracy seeks equality in freedom, while socialism seeks equality in restraint and slavery.

爱上海后花园论坛  68、Individual freedom is freedom without infringing upon the freedom of others.

  69、Letting oneself go is not real freedom. Freedom means a life on the right track.

爱上海后花园论坛  70、Life is like dandelion, seemingly free, but involuntarily.

爱上海后花园论坛  71、When a man goes out for freedom and truth, he should never wear his best clothes.

  72、Without freedom, everything is fantasy.

爱上海后花园论坛  73、Beware of being tied down for so long that even physical freedom has no direction in life.

爱上海后花园论坛  74、Life is like clouds. We look at the clouds in the sky on the ground. They float freely and are beautiful beyond words.

爱上海后花园论坛  75、People fight for freedom, but victory only brings them new domination.

  76、Whoever has no emotional involvement has no right to interfere in the life and freedom of the other party.

爱上海后花园论坛  77、Only such a person deserves life and freedom if he struggles for it every day.

  78、To do what you like is freedom; to like what you do is happiness.

爱上海后花园论坛  79、People always want more freedom, but more freedom is not necessarily a good thing.

  80、Work hard for better play and follow the rules for freedom.

  81、Only when everyone has freedom can an individual really be free.

  82、I yearn for freedom and always believe in hope and dream.

爱上海后花园论坛  83、Freedom is not purchased by money, but can be sold for money.

  84、Those who sacrifice themselves for their safety are neither entitled to freedom nor to security.

  85、The reason for wanting freedom is simple. It's just unsatisfactory.

爱上海后花园论坛  86、There is no freedom for greed and stability, and there are dangers for freedom. There are only two roads.

爱上海后花园论坛  87、Either to be a full slave or to enjoy full freedom.

  88、Waiting has nothing to do with practice. It's a habit. It grows freely, and he can't resist it.

爱上海后花园论坛  89、Speaking and going is the most luxurious luxury in life and the most brilliant freedom.

  90、Only those who seek happiness in fulfilling their obligations are those who live freely.

爱上海后花园论坛  91、Giving others freedom and defending one's own freedom are equally lofty undertakings.

爱上海后花园论坛  92、Memory is a form of meeting, forgetting is a form of freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  93、Real freedom does not mean how much space you have to move, but how many feelings you have to understand.

  94、Tolerance is our resistance to the world. When you have it, you are entitled to freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  95、As long as not all people are free, there is no real freedom of their own.

爱上海后花园论坛  96、Freedom is not presumptuous, although the shape is like, the nature is very different.

  97、Human beings are like animals. Some are willing to be confined in the bars, and some are obliged to wander freely.

  98、Only when you leave my memory can I be free.

爱上海后花园论坛  99、Freedom, peace and equality are what I want and what I am pursuing.

  100、You are the only person I can honestly meet. I can think freely and talk freely in front of you.

  101、I want to have the freedom to be myself and the courage to be myself.

  102、Individual freedom must be limited and must not interfere with others because of oneself.

爱上海后花园论坛  103、Freedom is not impossible, but it requires a lot of strength and a little bit of luck.

  104、Freedom is too luxurious for people who run for their lives.

  105、The less he needs, the greater his happiness, and the less he hopes, the more freedom he has.

爱上海后花园论坛  106、If you want to be free. You have to endure the fatigue of freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  107、Sometimes you need to be alone. It's not loneliness, it's enjoying the free time just to be yourself.

爱上海后花园论坛  108、Real freedom is not to do what you want, but to do what you don't want to do.

  109、Tell people exactly what they want, and then let them play freely.

爱上海后花园论坛  110、To wrap up fragility with stubbornness and to equate freedom with not loneliness.

爱上海后花园论坛  111、Loneliness and freedom are often just between thoughts.

  112、If a person does not need to obey anyone, but obeys the law, then he is free.

爱上海后花园论坛  113、Freedom seems to be the result of the loss of all freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  114、No one can deprive our free will.

爱上海后花园论坛  115、Free land must be inching capture.

  116、The best things in the world is freedom of speech.

  117、Only through love and preserve the freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  118、Take YiChengRen done today, all kinds of human freedom.

  119、Freedom is one of the greatest happiness of god to mankind.

  120、Freedom of speech is the mother of all rights.

爱上海后花园论坛  121、A high degree of freedom, just have advanced science.

  122、No freedom of will, with no moral.

  123、Science and freedom of thought are inseparable.

  124、The tree of liberty must be constantly with the blood of tyrants.

爱上海后花园论坛  125、Freedom is the purpose of creative freedom for others.

  126、The first meaning of freedom is his own responsibility.

  127、A person is locked up in particular want to run outside.

  128、Natural science is a weapon in the fight for freedom of people.

爱上海后花园论坛  129、Freedom should be a can make them a better chance.

爱上海后花园论坛  130、Liberty, when it take root, will like plants grow quickly.

  131、In a free society, the newspaper is a powerful force.

  132、Freedom is the humanity can proud only precious items.

爱上海后花园论坛  133、Free will only fall on her own sword.

爱上海后花园论坛  134、Only a free soul can eternal youth.

  135、Want freedom, you have to live in a land under the rule of law.

爱上海后花园论坛  136、Beginning to golden cage to lock, less comfortable crow in the forest.

  137、The dominant place in justice, liberty is obeyed.

  138、We return for the cost of money is freedom.

  139、Content to be slaves, and don't know the power of freedom.

爱上海后花园论坛  140、People of money is a tool to keep freedom.

  141、Freedom never be conquered by force.

  142、May in my around, you pursue, the freedom of loneliness.

爱上海后花园论坛  143、Without freedom of thought, there is no science, no truth.

爱上海后花园论坛  144、The freedom of thought is the highest of independence.

  145、Freedom has always been the most expensive in all wealth of wealth.

  146、Your life is princes, FuLi undeserved reputation is not free.

爱上海后花园论坛  147、The pursuit of freedom is to high to a great heart.

爱上海后花园论坛  148、Money is freedom by casting.

爱上海后花园论坛  149、Time with force, heaven and earth to ship it to the hero is not free.

爱上海后花园论坛  150、In order to enjoy the freedom, we must control ourselves.


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