

时间:2021-08-23 11:31:45 日记 我要投稿





爱上海后花园论坛  At noon today, Mr. Tian asked us to tear long strips with a piece of paper. Whose paper rope is the longest.

爱上海后花园论坛  我们组先用废纸模拟了一下,看看应该怎么撕。想了一会儿,仍然没有一点头绪。我四处张望,看着同学们都热火朝天地撕着,讨论声不绝于耳。有人激动得跳了起来;有人撑着头冥思苦想;还有人和我一样在东张西望,企图偷窥到别人的秘诀。就在这短短的十几分钟,张娜突然站起来,骄傲地大声宣布:我们已经完成了!犹如一声惊雷惊动了每个同学的心,我不禁惊叫道:WHAT?同学们不可思议地打量着他们的作品,满眼的羡慕。既然可以完成,那就干吧!我心想着,之前对这个任务的怀疑早抛到九霄云外了。

爱上海后花园论坛  Our group first simulated it with waste paper to see how to tear it. After thinking for a while, I still have no clue. I looked around and watched the students tearing towards the sky and the earth. There was a lot of discussion. Some jumped up with excitement; some held their heads to ponder; others looked around like me, trying to peek into other peoples secrets. In this short ten minutes, Zhang Na suddenly stood up and announced proudly, we have finished! Just like a thunderclap shocked everyones heart, I couldnt help exclaiming, what? The students looked at their works with incredible admiration. If it can be done, do it! I thought to myself that the previous doubts about the task had long gone out of the air.


爱上海后花园论坛  I have a ruler in one hand, a pen in the other hand, and I have carefully marked the striped lines. Part of the tedious process has been completed. Next is the most critical step - tear. I measured it carefully with a ruler, as if it was not white paper but fragile. A paper rope is longer and longer, and Im more and more nervous. Teammates are also vicious and tense, constantly remind: tear slowly, slowly, never break. Ill do my best. Theres one last point left. Victory is in sight!

爱上海后花园论坛  耶!终于撕好了,我的手心里全是是汗,真是不容易啊!我高兴极了,忍不住跳了起来,不料,乐极生悲!我的脚正好踩在纸绳上,刺啦一声,纸绳断成两截!哦!不!我惨叫一声,之前的努力全都付之东流了,我异常沮丧。组员都很惋惜,数落我,我如同霜打的茄子蔫了。

  Yeah! I finally tore it. My palms were all sweaty. It was not easy! I was so happy that I couldnt help jumping up. Unexpectedly, I was so happy that I felt sad! My feet just stepped on the paper rope. Stab was a sound, and the paper rope broke in two! Oh! No! I screamed. All my previous efforts were lost. I was extremely depressed. The team members are very sorry. They scold me. I feel like eggplant withered in frost.


  Although it failed, we can start again. Fortunately, there are still several pieces of paper. Unfortunately, we didnt finish it before class. Other members of the group took paper rope to measure outside the classroom. The longest one is more than 9 meters, which is amazing.


爱上海后花园论坛  Although we didnt finish the task at last, I understood that we should be consistent, careful, and never be complacent!










