

时间:2021-06-11 15:13:31 说说 我要投稿




  1, I have your company in my heart, where will be lonely.

爱上海后花园论坛  2, if I don't love you, why do I turn over your space again and again, but I dare not reply to your story.

爱上海后花园论坛  3, brave is not me, because you warm my hands.

  4, you will forget me, and then love others. I will remember you and never love again.

爱上海后花园论坛  5, you will never abandon me, no matter how fat you are.

  6, most importantly, he never shows it in his mind.

  7, be familiar with all your bad habits, and see through all your ugly looks, but still love you!

  8, there will be happiness in plain existence, which is more enviable.

  9, I dare not say forever. I can only give you the longest company.

爱上海后花园论坛  10, good students dare to love me, but don't let go.

爱上海后花园论坛  11, what is happiness, when I think of you, the first time you appear.

爱上海后花园论坛  12, every time I sneeze, I think you are thinking of me, even though I know that I caught a cold.

  13, I let him understand love, but no longer love me. He made me love, but he couldn't love again.

  14, just wait for the time just now, the emotion is just good, let's get married.

  15, we can grow white together but never walk together.

爱上海后花园论坛  16, the lover in the side, everywhere is heaven.

  17, I want to compete with you, and you will love me for a lifetime if I lose.

  18, love is a kind of thing that meets, cannot wait, cannot prepare.

爱上海后花园论坛  19, compared with face to face, I prefer sitting next to you, because arms can occasionally meet.

  20, I am convinced that a man will come to this world for my suffering.

  21, kukuxiaoxiao, seems to vent our happiness.

  22, I didn't love you enough. I just gave you my heart without reservation.

  23, when she said "miss me", I knew she was hungry again.

  24, the only thing I can do is to accompany you to the end of the world.

  25, do not let others shout, I shout "tease", that's your exclusive.

  26, time has taken away your appearance, but has accumulated my missing for you.

爱上海后花园论坛  27. What does it feel to love a person? That is to say good night and want to say good night.

  28, equally proud of the heart, but willing to put themselves low.

  29, my palms cappuccino, still your warm, light to you.

  30, sing our favorite songs, happy memories, one by one.

爱上海后花园论坛  31, to see your hands, I can feel at ease and accompany you to the ends of the earth.

  32, once you have, don't forget. What you can't get is more treasure.

  33, miss you, like sunflower miss the sun.

爱上海后花园论坛  34, just want to have his love, let me be your own lover.

  35, love you is a feeling, miss you is a miss, let us together is the fate.

  36, he who can make me forget the past is my future.

爱上海后花园论坛  37, I hope someone will accompany me from friendship to love, and then from love to family.

  38, no matter what happens, we must firmly grasp each other and never let go.

  39, you don't have to tear your heart out, I'll take the place of you.

  40, before dawn, let me have another love for you.

  41. She said she thought of him, and she said she loved him.

  42, I have an object who can't swear to go or fight. Why should I not be good at him?

  43, love is not looking at each other, but looking together in the same direction.

  44, no matter if we can, I will always like you.

  45, I have never tried to do this to a good person, just want to pay purely, or even forget to care about the response.

爱上海后花园论坛  46, the sky is bigger and the land is wider. Only your heart is my home.

爱上海后花园论坛  47, don't forget what others say when you are angry, because that's the truth.

爱上海后花园论坛  48, not to abandon me, I only follow you all my life.

爱上海后花园论坛  49, a day still lasts for 24 hours, and I still miss you every hour.

  50, there is no note, it can also be recognized at a glance, is very important for you.

爱上海后花园论坛  51, sadomasochistic shaking heaven and earth between us, but I have a heart full of you.

爱上海后花园论坛  52, see the light point, the injury will be a little less. Do not wait for a person who should not wait, and do not hurt the heart that should not be hurt.

爱上海后花园论坛  53, finding a person you love is better than finding someone who loves you, and being loved is happy.




暖心超甜短句 超甜超暖心的句子10-19





