

时间:2024-04-25 23:12:14 泽彪 寓言 我要投稿




  中国经典寓言故事双语 1

  One day, a man of the State of Chu was crossing a river by boat. Due to carelessness, his sword which hung at his side fell into the water. Not in the least worried, he slowly took out a small knife and cut a mark on the side of the boat.


  Someone on the boat asked him:


  "Why dont you jump into the water at once to fish for your sword? Whats the use of making this mark on the side of the boat?"


  He pointed to the mark on the side of the boat, saying unhurriedly:

爱上海后花园论坛  他指着船舷上的.记号,不慌不忙地说:

  "There is no need to worry. My sword fell into the river at this marked place. As soon as the boat reaches the dock and pulls in to shore, I will jump down from here to retrieve my sword."

爱上海后花园论坛  “不用着急。我的宝剑是从这个刻着记号的地方掉下去的。等舟到了码头,靠了岸,我从这里跳下去,就能把宝剑捞上来。”

  中国经典寓言故事双语 2

  One day, King Li of the State of Chu announced to the people: If any emergency occurs in our country, the drum will be beaten as a signal. The moment the people hear the drum, they must assemble outside the palace gate at once.

爱上海后花园论坛  一天,楚厉王通告老百姓:假如国家发生急事,就以击鼓为信号。老百姓一听到鼓声响,就必须立刻到宫门外集合。

爱上海后花园论坛  One day, King Li got drunk. When he passed by the drum stand, he started to beat the drum at random. When the people heard the drum, they ran from all directions to the palace gate, thinking that some emergency had occurred in the country. They stood all around in a dense mass.


爱上海后花园论坛  King Li sent someone to tell them:

爱上海后花园论坛  厉王派人去告诉大家说:

爱上海后花园论坛  "Just now the King beat the drum, but nothing urgent had happend It was only because the King got drunk and when he passed by the drum stand, he beat the drum just for fun."

爱上海后花园论坛  “刚才国王击鼓,没有发生什么急事;只是因为国王喝醉了酒,走过鼓架旁边,为着好玩,才击了一阵子鼓。”

爱上海后花园论坛  All the people returned to their homes, feeling angry.

爱上海后花园论坛  老百姓都回家去了,但是都很气愤。

爱上海后花园论坛  A few months later, some emergency really occurred in the State of Chu. The drum outside the palace gate sounded from early morning until night. Though the people heard the drum, they no longer cared about it and didnt rush to the palace gate.

爱上海后花园论坛  隔了几个月,楚国真的发生了紧急情况,宫门外的鼓“咚咚咚”地从早晨一直响到晚上。可是,老百姓虽然听到鼓声,却不再把它当做一回事而赶到宫门前来了。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 3

爱上海后花园论坛  Once upon a time, a man saw a doorbell hanging from someones door and wanted to steal it.


爱上海后花园论坛  But he knew that if he were to steal the bell, it would start ringing the moment his hand touched it. If he were discovered, not only he couldnt get the bell, but he himself might also be caught.


  He thought this over and said to himself:


  "Why will there be trouble when a bell rings? This is because our ears can hear it. If I cover my ears, I wont be able to hear it. This way I wont be caught."


爱上海后花园论坛  Later, he eventually got an idea. He first covered his own ears, then went on to steal the bell. However, in the end he was still discovered and caught red-handed.

爱上海后花园论坛  后来,他终于想出了一个办法:先把自己耳朵捂住,再去偷那只门铃。结果,他还是被人当场发现捉住了。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 4

爱上海后花园论坛  King Hui of Liang watched the cook dissecting an ox. Up went his hand, down went the knife, cutting it just right with dexterous movements. The King praised:

爱上海后花园论坛  梁惠王看厄丁解牛,手起刀落,动作利索,恰到好处,连声夸奖说

爱上海后花园论坛  “Your skill is excellent!”


  The cook answered:


爱上海后花园论坛  "1 can do it so dexterously because I am familiar with the physiological structure of the ox. I see perfectly well each and every part of the ox which is no longer a whole ox to me. I have a clear mental picture of where its joints and main and collateral channels are, and know exactly where to start cutting and how much force is needed."


爱上海后花园论坛  The cook continued:


  "The knives of others become blunt after being used for a short time, whereas I have used my knife for 19 years and slaughtered nearly 1,000 oxen, and it is still as sharp as a new one. However, when I come across a complicated structure, I would be cautious and conscientious and dare not be the least negligent. I cut swiftly but lightly with great concentration and care.


  After hearing this, King Hui of Liang said:


  "What you said is wonderful!From you I have learned the way of cultivating my mind and developing my character."

爱上海后花园论坛  “你说得好极了!我从你这里悟到了修身养性的道理。”

  中国经典寓言故事双语 5

  Handan was the capital of the State of Zhao during the Warring States Period.


  A young man in the State of Yan heard that the State of Zhao was more powerful than the State of Yan, so he was much interested in the State of Zhao. Consequently, he crossed over mountain after mountain by himself and got to Handan.


  Upon arrival at Handan, he felt that the State of Zhao was indeed more stable than the State of Yan. Even the way of walking of the people of the State of Zhao looked better than that of the people of the State of Yan. He made up his mind to learn how the people of the State of Zhao walked in Handan, so that in the future the people of the State of Yan could walk as gracefully as them.

爱上海后花园论坛  到了邯郸,他觉得赵国确实比燕国安定,连赵国人走路的姿势都比燕国人好看。他决定在邯郸学会赵国人走路,将来让燕国人走路也能像赵国人一样好看。

爱上海后花园论坛  Yet, that was easier said than done. No matter how hard he tried, he was unable to learn the gait of the people of the State of Zhao. On the contrary, he even forgot completely how he walked in the State of Yan. In the end, he had no alternative but to crawl back from the State of Zhao to the State of Yan.


  中国经典寓言故事双语 6

爱上海后花园论坛  There was a doctor who claimed to be good at treating surgical cases.

爱上海后花园论坛  有位医生,自称擅长治疗外科疾病。

爱上海后花园论坛  One day, a general was struck by an arrow from the enemy on the battlefield. The arrow had penetrated into his flesh, so he called for the "surgeon".


  The general told him what had happened. The "surgeon" said repeatedly:

爱上海后花园论坛  武将把情况对这位“外科”医生一讲,他连声说:

  "The treatment is easy! The treatment is easy!"


  He took up a pair of sharp scissors, and with a snap cut off the exposed arrow shaft. He handed over the arrow shaft to the general and said:


  "Its done. Please give me my pay."


爱上海后花园论坛  These words left the general not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. He said to the "surgeon":

爱上海后花园论坛  武将被他弄得哭笑不得,对“外科”医生说:

爱上海后花园论坛  "The arrow head is still in my flesh. You must get it out quickly."

爱上海后花园论坛  “箭头还留在皮肉里面,必须赶快取出来呀!

  The "surgeon" said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "The arrow head in the flesh is a matter of internal medicine and has nothing to do with my `surgery.,,


  中国经典寓言故事双语 7

  During the Warring States Period, a man was willing to teach the King of Yan the ways to attain immortality.


  The King of Yan was very glad when he heard of this, and quickly sent someone to acknowledge the man as master and learn from him. But before the man he sent had a chance to learn, that man died. The man he sent could only return dejectedly.


  At this the King of Yan flew into a rage. He rebuked the man for walking too slowly to get there in time, and ordered to have him killed.


爱上海后花园论坛  The King of Yan never realized that the man who boasted himself as an immortal was deceiving him, but instead, he blamed the man he sent for walking too slowly.


  中国经典寓言故事双语 8

爱上海后花园论坛  A Fox invited a long-beaked Stork to have dinner with him.


  “I hope you don’t mind sharing the same dish with me,” said the Fox. “It is our custom in the woods to eat together to show that we are friendly.”

  “希望你不要介意和我和吃一道菜,” 狐狸说,“一同吃饭说明交情好,这是我们森林里的习惯。”

爱上海后花园论坛  “Not at all,” said the Stork politely.


  The Fox brought a wide, shallow bowl of thin soup and set it between them.


  ‘please help yourself,” he said, setting down to lap the soup with his long pink tongue.

爱上海后花园论坛  “请吃吧。“狐狸说着坐下来,伸出粉红色的长舌头舔那碗汤。

  The Stork stood with her long legs apart and put the tip of her long, thin beak into the soup; but although she tried to scoop up the thin liquid it was quite impossible for her to do so.


  Even when she did manage to hold a few drops in her beak they were lost long before they could trickle down to her throat. Too polite to complain, the Stork went home hungry while the greedy Fox lapped up all the soup. As she left she heard him laughing to himself at his own cleverness.


  A few days later the Stork invited the Fox to have dinner with her in return and the Fox made his way to her home.

爱上海后花园论坛  过了几天,鹤回请狐狸一同进餐,狐狸前往她家。

  “it is our custom to share a dish, too,” said the Stork, “ I hope you will join me.”

爱上海后花园论坛  和吃一道菜也是我们的风俗,鹤说道,希望你和我一起吃。

  “Certainly, certainly,” said the Fox, licking his lips. He had not eaten all day.


爱上海后花园论坛  The Stork brought her food. This time, however, it was served in a tall, thin jug with a narrow opening at the top.


  “Please begin,” said the Stork, thrusting her beak into the jug.

爱上海后花园论坛  请吃吧。鹤说道,把嘴伸进了罐子里。

爱上海后花园论坛  “Mmmm. It is good.”


  Of course the Fox could not get his nose into the jug at all. All he could do was sniff hungrily at the delicious smell and lick the occasional drop that spilled over the side.


  “I suppose I can’t complain,” he said to himself sadly as he made his way back to the woods. “After all, I taught her the trick myself.”


  中国经典寓言故事双语 9

  Once upon a time, there was a monkey that met a crab and they travelled together in the jungle.

爱上海后花园论坛  很久很久以前,有一只猴子和一只螃蟹相遇了,它们结伴到 森林里去游玩。

爱上海后花园论坛  the active monkey found a fruit seed and the crab found a rice ball.

  蹦蹦跳跳的猴子忽然捡到一颗果实的种子,而螃 蟹则捡到一只饭团子。

  the monkey was greedy and said to the crab, dear crab, let us exchange what we have! "

爱上海后花园论坛  猴子因为贪吃,便对螃蟹说:¨螃蟹老弟,咱们俩换一换吧"

  the crab agreed, so the monkey exchanged his seed for the crabs rice ball. he quickly swallowed the rice ball.

爱上海后花园论坛  螃蟹同意了。于是,猴子用自己的'种子换了螃蟹的饭团子。马上张开大嘴把饭团子给吃了。

  as for the crab, he went back home and sowed the seed in the open field in front of his house.


爱上海后花园论坛  every day, he watered the plant carefully. the plant grew day by day. when summer came, the crab took shelter under the tree that was now filled with branches and leaves.

爱上海后花园论坛  它每天 都很细心地浇水、施肥。 树一天天长,大夏天来了,螃蟹在枝叶茂盛的树下乘凉到了秋天

  when autumn came, the tree was fully grown with fruit. the crab was able to enjoy the fruit every year.

爱上海后花园论坛  树上结满了丰硕的果实。从此以后,螃蟹年年都 有果子吃。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 10

  Once, the King of the State of Wu wanted to invade the State of Chu.

爱上海后花园论坛  一次,吴王要进攻楚国。

爱上海后花园论坛  The King of Wu warned his ministers:

爱上海后花园论坛  吴王警告他的大臣们说:

  "If anyone should dare to dissuade me from invading Chu again, I will put him to death."

爱上海后花园论坛  “有谁再敢来劝阻我进攻楚国,我就处死他。”

爱上海后花园论坛  One young hanger-on of his wanted to dissuade him but didnt dare. He carried a slingshot, and for three consecutive days paced up and down in the Kings back garden. The dew wetted his clothes all through.

爱上海后花园论坛  吴王的'门客中有一个年青人,想去劝阻但又不敢。他怀里揣着弹弓,一连三个早晨在吴工的后花园里徘徊,露水湿透了他的衣服。

  One day, the King of Wu called him:


  "The dew has wetted your clothes to such a state. Why should you bear such hardship?"


爱上海后花园论坛  The young man replied:


  "There is a cicada on a tree in this garden. The cicada is high above, chirping leisurely and taking in the dew freely, not knowing that a mantis is right behind it. The mantis, pressing its body close in a concealed place, is intent on catching the cicada, not knowing that a siskin is hiding right behind it. The siskin is stretching out its neck to peck at the mantis, not knowing that a man carrying a slingshot is under it. These three small creatures make every effort only to get the benefit before them but ignore entirely the disaster behind."


  Having heard the young mans words, the King of Wu suddenly saw the light and said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "What you said is right!"


爱上海后花园论坛  Consequently, the King of Wu dropped his plan to invade the State of Chu.

爱上海后花园论坛  于是,吴王就不再进攻楚国了。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 11

爱上海后花园论坛  Chen Yaozi, Duke Kang Su was unsurpassed in archery, and he had a very high opinion of himself.


  One day, when he was shooting arrows in his own garden, an old oil peddler happened to pass by. The old man laid down his shoulder pole with its load, stood to one side, watched askance for a long while and didnt go away.

爱上海后花园论坛  一天,他在自己的花园里射箭。有个卖油的老头儿正好路过这里,放下担子,站在一旁,斜着眼睛看了好久仍不离去。

  When the old man saw him hit the target every time, he didnt cheer, but only nodded slightly. Duke Kang Su asked:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Do you know archery too? Isnt my skill excellent?"


  The old man said:


  "This is nothing, only skillful technique."


  Duke Kang Su was angry and rebuked him loudly:

爱上海后花园论坛  康肃公很恼火,大声斥责说:

爱上海后花园论坛  "How dare you belittle my archery skill?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “你怎么敢小看我的.射箭技术!”

爱上海后花园论坛  The old man replied unhurriedly:


  "I know this from pouring oil."

爱上海后花园论坛  “我是通过打油得知的。”

  As he spoke, he put a bottle gourd on the ground, and a copper coin with a hole in its centre on the mouth of the bottle gourd. Then he slowly poured oil into the bottle gourd with a ladle. The oil, like a thin string, went straight into the bottle gourd through the hole in the copper coin without staining the coin at all.


  The old man smiled and said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "This is nothing either, only skillful technique."

爱上海后花园论坛  “我这也没什么,只是手法熟练罢了!”

  中国经典寓言故事双语 12

  In the past, a man claimed to be "a specialist in curing hunchbacks". His signboard read:

爱上海后花园论坛  从前,有个人自称“专治驼背”,他的招牌上写着:

  "I specialize in curing hunchbacks. No matter whether you are hunchbacked like a bow, a shrimp, a basket for rinsing rice or a rice pot, I guarantee that once I start treatment, your hunchback will be cured."


爱上海后花园论坛  One hunchback saw the signboard, believed it to be true, and asked for treatment.

爱上海后花园论坛  有一个驼背,看到招牌,果然信以为真,就请他医治。

  The doctor neither gave any prescription, nor let the patient take any medicine. All the medical instrument he had was two boards for pressing. One board was put on the ground, on which the hunchback was told to lie on his stomach. Another board was pressed on and tied tightly with the hunchback. Then the doctor jumped onto the board and trampled upon it at random with all his might. As a result, the hunchback was straightened, but, alas, he was "dead and gone" also.


爱上海后花园论坛  When the hunchbacks son learned of this, of course he had it out with the doctor. But the doctor said:

爱上海后花园论坛  驼背的.儿子知道了,自然要与那个医生评理,那医生却说:

  "My job is to straighten his back. Its none of my business whether he is dead or alive."

爱上海后花园论坛  “我只管把他的驼背弄直,哪能管他的死活!”

  中国经典寓言故事双语 13

  During the Xia Dynasty, there was a crack archer named Hou Yi.

爱上海后花园论坛  夏朝时,有一位神射手,叫后界。

爱上海后花园论坛  One day, the King of Xia pointed to a shooting target of one square metre in size with a bulls eye of only 1/3 decimeter in diameter, and said to Hou Yi:


  "If you can hit the bulls eye, I will award you 1,000 pieces of gold. But if you miss, I will take back the 1,000 li of land granted to you."


  At that Hou Yi山vew the bow to shoot, but he felt very nervous, his face turning red and pale in turn. Unable to calm his flustered mind, he missed the target with the first arrow, and missed again with his second arrow.


  When the King of Xia saw this, he was rather surprised and asked Mi Ren:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Usually, Hou Yi hits the target every time. But today he failed. Whats the reason?"


爱上海后花园论坛  Mi Ren replied:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Hou Yi failed to hit the target because he was in an unstable mood, which affected his shooting skill. The award of 1, 000 gold pieces was the cause of his fault. If people could take no account of their gains and losses, and put aside either generous awards or severe punishment, then anyone could become a crack archer."


  中国经典寓言故事双语 14

爱上海后花园论坛  He was a little, wrinkled, all skin and bones, old man and lived all alone. no one knew much about him. one day he got a bad cold and he called for a doctor.

爱上海后花园论坛  他是一个小老头,皮肤皱缩,瘦得皮包骨头,自己一个人住。大家对他都不太了解,有一天,他得了重感冒,请了医生过来。

  while the doctor was examining the old man, he asked, "havent you a trend who could come in to look after you?" "no, i have no friends--never had any." the old man replied. 给老人检查时,医生问:“你没有朋友来照看你吗?”“没有,我没有朋友——一直都没有。 ”老人回答。

  "what youve lived in this village all your life and never had a friend! " ... "well, i am not ashamed to say that i am passed sixty-four years but i never met anyone i could call a friend for long.

  “什么!你在村子里住了一辈子,居然从未有过一个朋友!” “活了64年却没有遇到一个值得长久交往的朋友,我没有什么不好意思地。他们不是这差。 就是那差。 ”

  if it isnt one thing wrong with them, its another" "come, come our village head mart, mr. li, will surely come to your aid if he knows you are sick i am sure you too know him."

爱上海后花园论坛  “好啦,好啦!假如我们地村长李先生知道你病了,一定会来帮你地。 你一定知道他吧。 ” “没错, 我认识他,”

爱上海后花园论坛  of course, i know him, " replied the old man, "but he is such a bore to hear him talk, youd imagine the world had nothing in it but his wheat field and how wonderful and healthy his pigs are."

  老人回答,“不过,他这个人很讨厌,跟他说话。你会觉得世界上除了他的麦田和他那壮实、健康的猪,就没有别的东西了。 ”

  "then what about mr.ma who lives down the road?" "a more selfish fellow l ever came across, though admit he has got a head on him. he has traveled and read many books and hes mighty interesting to talk to.

爱上海后花园论坛  “那么在这条街上住的马先生如何呢?”“虽然我承认他有点儿聪明,可他是我见过的最自私地家伙。 他四处旅行。 读过很多书,和他聊天会非常有意思。

爱上海后花园论坛  he used to come in here a lot at one time. but he would come only when he felt like doing so and he would stay away for long periods of time.

  有一段时间,他经常来我这里。不过。 他想来地时候才会来,并且会一连好长时间都不出现。

  i dont call that neighborly. "the doctor laughed."you cant bring up anything against mr. zhou? everyone loves him." "youre right," agreed the old man. "

爱上海后花园论坛  我可不喜欢他这样的.邻居。 ” 医生只好笑了笑:“你说什么也不能找出周先生地毛病吧?所有人都喜欢他。 ”“你说地没错,”老人表示认可,

  zhou would live on my doorstep if i let him hes a bit of a wit and rattling good company, but his noisy tongue makes my poor head ache."

  “假如我愿意。 周先生会与我住得很近。 他很聪明,是个很好的伴儿。 可他说起话来地声音吵得我头疼。 ”

  "im afraid you see so much of your neighbors failings that youre blind to their virtues. youre a hard nut to crack, old many anyway, please call me if you need me.

  “恐怕是你太注重邻居们地缺点而忽略了他们的优点。 老先生,给您服务可真难!无论如何,假如需要我地时候,你就叫我。

  as a doctor i will attend to you regardless whether you like me or not" the doctor remarked as he took up his bag and hat to leave. the door banged and not a word of "thank you" was heard.

  身为一名医生。 无论你喜不喜欢我。 我都会照看你的!” 医生说着就拿起帽子离开了。 门“嘣”的一声就关上了,老人连一句“谢谢”都没说。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 15

  Meng Chang Jun was a famous counsellor of the State of Qi。


  One day, he wanted to leave his native country to be an official in the State of Qin。 His subordinates all advised him not to go, but Meng Chang Jun wouldnt listen to them。 At this time, a man told him such a story。


  "Once when I was passing the Zi River, I heard in my dream a man made of mud talking with a wooden puppet by the river bank。

爱上海后花园论坛  “有一次,我经过淄河的时候,梦里听见一个泥人和个木偶在河边谈话。

  The wooden puppet said to the mud man:


  `You were formerly a lump of earth, now made into a man of mud。 But if it rains and the water in the river rises, you will surely be damaged by the water。


  The man made of mud replied:


  `If I were damaged by the water, I would not be afraid, but would only return to my original state and dissolve into earth。 But you? You were carved from the peach tree in the garden。 If it rains heavily and the water in the river rises, you will be in no position to decide for yourself and can only float away with the river current。 Since you cannot decide for yourself, then you will never be able to return to your original place。"


  After Meng Chang Jun heard this story of the conversation between the mud man and the wooden puppet, he changed his mind and decided not to go to the State of Qin。


  中国经典寓言故事双语 16

  Once, the Han Dynasty dispatched an emissary to the State of Dian (now Yunnan Province) and the State of Yelang (now Guizhou Province)。


  The King of Dian asked the emissary from the Han Dynasty:


  "The Han Dynasty and the State of Dian, which is bigger?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “汉朝和滇国,哪一个大?”

  The King of Yelang also asked the emissary in the same way:


  "The Han Dynasty and the State of Yelang, which is bigger?"


  As a matter of fact, the territories of the State of Dian and the State of Yelang were only as big as a prefecture of the Han Dynasty, but they closed their states to the external contact, shut their eyes and stopped their ears, and didnt understand the conditions of the outside world. Naturally, they didnt know how vast the Han Dynasty was.

爱上海后花园论坛  其实,滇国和夜郎国的`疆土,只有汉朝的一个州那么大,可是他们闭关自守,闭目塞听,不了解外界的情况,自然也就不知道汉朝的广大了。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 17

爱上海后花园论坛  Yue Guang was very hospitable. One day he invited a friend to have a drink in his hall.


爱上海后花园论坛  While drinking, his friend thought he caught a glimpse of a small snake swimming around in his cup. Though disgusted, he swallowed the wine down, but the thought of the snake nauseated him. As soon as he got home, he fell ill.

爱上海后花园论坛  在喝酒的时候,他的朋友发现自己的酒杯里,似乎有一条小蛇在游动。尽管他心里很厌恶,但还是把酒喝了下去。不过,他总感到恶心,一回到家,就生病了。

  After a few days, Yue Guang heard about his friends illness and its cause. He thought that there couldnt be a snake in the wine cup. So he went to inspect the place where they had the drink and eventually found the cause: on the wall of the hall hung a colourful bow, the shadow of which happened to throw exactly at the place where his friend had put his wine cup.

爱上海后花园论坛  隔了几天,乐广听到了朋友生病的消息和原因。他心想:酒杯里肯定不会有蛇!他跑到喝酒的地方去查看,终于找到了原因:原来,在大厅的墙上,挂着一张彩色的弓,弓的影子正好映在朋友放酒杯的地方。

  Yue Guang hurried to his friends home and told him about this. As soon as his friend came to understand that it was not a snake but the reflection of a bow in his cup, he got over his illness at once.

爱上海后花园论坛  乐广急忙跑到朋友家里,把这件事告诉了他。朋友听了,才明白洒杯中的`不是蛇,而是弓的影子。这样,他的病也就立刻好了。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 18

  long ago, only the cats had the ability to trace their prey by its odour, while the other animals used their vision to discover their prey.

爱上海后花园论坛  上古时期,只有猫有根据气味来追寻猎物的本领,而别的动物只能靠眼睛去发现猎物。

  the dog knew that was the best way to hunt a prey so he decided to visit the cat.


  “mr. cat, can you teach me the skill to trace the prey by its odour? it is very efficient and convenient.”

爱上海后花园论坛  “猫先生,根据气味来追寻猎物这种方法既灵验又方便,你能传授我这门本领吗?”

  the cat agreed to teach the dog and to let him stay in his house during the lessons. after a few days, the dog thought that he could use the skill and he wanted to go home.

爱上海后花园论坛  猫答应了狗的请求,并让狗在学习时间住在自己的家里。过了几天,狗认为自己已经掌握了这门本领,便想回家。

  “you have not learnt the skill yet,”said the cat.“you have to stay longer.”


  “but i have to go home now,”the dog insisted.

爱上海后花园论坛  “但是我现在必须回家呀。”狗坚持说。

爱上海后花园论坛  “all right,”the cat said,“you may go back tomorrow but not today.”


  the next morning, the cat said to his wife,“when the dog comes to bid farewell, tell him that i have gone out. when he asks where, tell him that you dont know.”


爱上海后花园论坛  after a while, the dog came.“where is the teacher?”he asked.


爱上海后花园论坛  “he went out early in the morning and i dont know where he went,”the cats wife answered.

爱上海后花园论坛  “它一早就出门了,我不知道它上哪儿去啦。”猫的妻子回答道。

  actually, the cat intended to test whether the dog had learnt how to trace any prey by its odour.


  the dog started by following the footprints of the cat. however, after a short distance, the cat had jump from one rock to another and then gone into a cave.

爱上海后花园论坛  于是,狗开始顺着猫的脚印去追踪猫的.去向。可是,猫离开家走了一段路后,就没有在地上行走了。它从一块石头跳到另一块石头上,然后跳进一个山洞,又从另一个洞口爬出来

爱上海后花园论坛  then he came out from the other side and leapt onto a tree.


爱上海后花园论坛  the dog followed the seemingly vanishing footprints of the cat and he came to the two rocks.

爱上海后花园论坛  于是,狗开始顺着猫的脚印去追踪猫的去向。

  he entered the cave and managed to come out from the other side of it.


爱上海后花园论坛  at last, he came to the tree but he could not find any footprint. the dog could not trace the cat though he kept going round and round the tree.

爱上海后花园论坛  最后,当狗走到树下时,猫的脚印没有了。狗找不到猫的痕迹,就绕着树走来走去。

爱上海后花园论坛  the cat stayed on top of the tree watching every move of the dog. finally, he said,“look up! you have not completely learnt the skill and yet you are ready to leave. you can see now that you are still ignorant.”

爱上海后花园论坛  猫在树上,把这一切情形看得清清楚楚。最后,猫说:“往上看!你还没有学好本事,就打算匆匆离去,结果还不是一只没学问的狗!”

  since then, the dog only knows how to trail its prey on the ground.

爱上海后花园论坛  直到今天,狗都只会在地面上追寻猎物。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 19

  In ancient times, a girl in the State of Qi had reached marriageable age. Two families delivered betrothal gifts to propose marriage.


  In the family on the east, the young man was short and ugly, but the family was rich. The family on the west was very poor, but the young man was handsome and talented.


  The girls parents considered the matter from different angles,but were unable to come to a decision. So they called the girl andlet her make her own decision.


爱上海后花园论坛  Seeing the daughter lower her head, blushing and shy, the father said:

爱上海后花园论坛  父亲看到女儿低着头,红着脸,一副羞羞答答的样子,就说:

  "If you are too shy to tell your decision, you can do it by exposing your arms. If you like the son of the family on the east, expose your right arm; if you like the son of the family on the west, expose your left arm."

爱上海后花园论坛  “你要是不好意思说出口,那么你就以袒露手臂来表示:喜欢东家儿子,你就袒露右臂;喜欢西家儿子,你就袒露左臂。”

  After pondering for some time, the girl silently exposed both her arms.


爱上海后花园论坛  "Now what does this mean?" her parents asked in surprise.


爱上海后花园论坛  "I…,,’the girl said bashfully. "I want to dine in the family on the east, and sleep in the family on the west."


  中国经典寓言故事双语 20

爱上海后花园论坛  Liu Zongyuan was ill. He called a famous doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The doctor said:

爱上海后花园论坛  柳宗元患病,请来一位名医诊治。医生说:

  "Your spleen is swollen. You will get well by taking good quality fining (poris cocos)。"


  Liu Zongyuan sent someone to buy fining from a herbal medicine shop, boiled it and drank the decoction. However, his illness was not relieved, but turned worse instead.


  Thinking that the doctor had prescribed the wrong medicine, he called and reproved him, asking what was the matter.

爱上海后花园论坛  柳宗元以为是医生误用了药,就把医生叫来,责问他是怎么回事。

  The doctor didnt believe this. He poured out the dregs of the decoction from the pot and examined them. To his surprise, they were not}}ling, but just dried sweet potatoes, dyed and processed.


  The doctor sighed and said:


  "The medicine seller is a swindler. The medicine taker does not know head or tail of it. Illness cannot be cured by the doctor alone."


  中国经典寓言故事双语 21

  Shortly after King Zhao of the State of Yan came to the throne, he went to visit Guo Kui, an able and virtuous scholar, and asked for his advice on how to govern the state and make it strong, and how to avenge his father and wipe off the shame of the state. Guo Kui told him the story of "Buying Bones with 1,000 Pieces of Gold".


爱上海后花园论坛  In ancient times, there was a king very fond of horses that could cover 1,000 1i a day. He sent many people, sought many means and spent lots of money to buy such horses. Yet three years had passed, and no such horses were available.


爱上海后花园论坛  One day, a guard volunteered to help and said to the king: "I am willing to buy a thousand-li steed for Your Majesty."


爱上海后花园论坛  The king was pleasantly surprised. He asked:"You? Can you make it?"


  "Your Majesty, you can rest assured," replied the guard.


爱上海后花园论坛  The king complied with his request and let him go on his mission.


  The guard sought for the horse wholeheartedly. He spent three months, and after much effort found out the whereabouts of such a horse. But when he hastened there, the horse had already died. Without the least hesitation, he bought the bones of the horse with 500 pieces of gold, and returned to report to the king.


  On seeing the horse bones the guard had actually bought, the king flew into a rage.

爱上海后花园论坛  国君一看买回来的竟是马骨,气得暴跳如雷,骂道:

  "You! What I want is a live horse, but you have bought the bones of a dead horse. What is the use? You have wasted 500 pieces of gold. What punishment do you think you deserve?"


爱上海后花园论坛  The guard replied calmly:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Your Majesty, this is to let the general public know that Your Majesty is willing to pay a high price for even a dead thousand-li horse, let alone a live one. All the people in the world will know that Your Majesty wishes to buy a thousand-li horse sincerely. Your Majesty, dont be angry. Just wait and the horse you want will come very soon."

爱上海后花园论坛  “大王,我是为了让老百姓知道,大王连死的千里马也肯花大价钱买,何况活的千里马呢?天下的人都会知道,大王是真心诚意要买千里马。大王,您不要生气,您等着吧!不久,您要的千里马一定会来的。”

爱上海后花园论坛  As the guard had expected, the king bought three thousand-li horses within one year.


  中国经典寓言故事双语 22

爱上海后花园论坛  In the past, there were two near-sighted men, Mr. A and Mr.B. They didnt admit they were near-sighted, but boasted about their good eyesight instead.


爱上海后花园论坛  One day, they heard that a new inscribed board was to be hung up in a temple, so they made an appointment with each other to have a contest of their eyesight. In order to win, both of them stealthily inquired beforehand about the characters inscribed on the board. When the day came, they went to the temple early in the morning.

爱上海后花园论坛  有一天,他们听说有一座庙要挂新匾,于是便相约去比一比各自的眼力。为了取胜,甲乙两人都事先悄悄地去探听匾上所写的字。日期到了,两人一大早就来到庙里。

  Mr. A looked up at the place for the board, wagged his head and said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Arent these the four characters `Guang Ming Zheng Da(open and just)?"


  Mr. B added:


爱上海后花园论坛  "What is so strange about that? I can even make out the small characters on both sides. Look, arent these the year, the month, and the name of the calligrapher?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “这有什么稀奇,我还能认出两旁的`小字呢!你看,这不是‘某年某月’、‘某某人书’吗!”

爱上海后花园论坛  The people standing nearby all burst into laughter and said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "The new inscribed board hasnt been hung up yet. Where are the characters you just read?"


  中国经典寓言故事双语 23

  There was a small kangaroo who was bad in school. he put thumbtacks on the teachers chair. he threw spitballs across the classroom. he set off firecrackers in the lavatory and spread glue on the doorknobs.


  “your behavior is impossible!”said the school principal.“i am going to see your parents. i will tell them what a problem you are!”


  the principal went to visit mr. and mrs. kangaroo. he sat down in a living-room chair.

爱上海后花园论坛  校长去拜访袋鼠夫妇。它坐在客厅的椅子上。

爱上海后花园论坛  “ouch!”cried the principal.“there is a thumbtack in this chair!”


  “yes, i know,”said mr. kangaroo.“i enjoy putting thumbtacks in chairs.”


爱上海后花园论坛  at the same time, a spitball hit the principal on his nose.

爱上海后花园论坛  就在这时,一个纸团飞过来打在了校长的鼻子上。

  “forgive me,”said mrs. kangaroo,“but i can never resist throwing those things.”


爱上海后花园论坛  suddenly, there was a loud booming sound from the bathroom.


  “keep calm,”said mr. kangaroo to the principal.“the firecrackers that we keep in the medicine chest have just exploded. we love the noise.”


  the principal rushed for the front door. in an instant he was stuck to the doorknob.


  “pull hard,”said mrs. kangaroo.“there are little globs of glue on all of our doorknobs.”


爱上海后花园论坛  the principal pulled himself free. he dashed out of the house and ran off down the street.

爱上海后花园论坛  校长挣脱后,冲出屋子,沿着街道跑了。

爱上海后花园论坛  “such a nice person,”said mr. kangaroo.“i wonder why he left so quickly.”

爱上海后花园论坛  “它真是个好人,”袋鼠先生说,“我不明白它为什么这么快就走了。”

  “no doubt he had another appointment,”said mrs. kangaroo.“never mind, supper is ready.”


  mr. and mrs. kangaroo and their son enjoyed their evening meal. after the dessert, they all threw spitballs at each other across the dining-room table.


  中国经典寓言故事双语 24

爱上海后花园论坛  In ancient times, the people of Yongzhou liked to live by the river. They were all very good at swimming.


  One day, the water in the rivers suddenly rose. Five or six people were crossing the Xiang River in a small boat. When the boat reached the middle of the river, it leaked and sank. All the people on the boat swam for their lives.

爱上海后花园论坛  一次,河水暴涨。有五六个人乘着小船横渡湘江。船刚到江心,就漏水下沉了,船上的人纷纷泅水逃生。

  At this moment, a man was seen paddling like crazy in the water, but with little progress. One of his companions asked in surprise:


  "You used to be the best swimmer among us. Why are you lagging behind today?"


爱上海后花园论坛  The man panted heavily and replied:


  "Ive got 1,000 copper coins wrapped around my waist. They are very heavy, so I cant swim fast."


  His companions advised him anxiously:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Throw away the copper coins at once!"


爱上海后花园论坛  The man only shook his head and gave no answer.


爱上海后花园论坛  After a short while, he became weaker and weaker. At this moment, those who had got on the bank shouted to him desperately:


  "You are such a headstrong fool. You are about to drown, so what do you want the money for?"


  But the man shook his head again, sank rapidly and drowned.

爱上海后花园论坛  可是,他又摇了摇头,很快地沉了下去,淹死了。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 25

  Ji Zi of the Shang Dynasty was particularly fond of Taoism。 He carried a lot of money with him and travelled around to fmd a teacher of Taoism。 Whenever he saw a man wearing a yellow cap, he would take him as a Taoist priest and kneel down before him to ask for instructions。


爱上海后花园论坛  One day, a sly swindler tried to get Ji Zis bag of money。 He said deceitfully:


  "I am a Taoist priest with the true doctrine of Taoism。 If youll follow me, Ill certainly teach Taoism to you。"

爱上海后花园论坛  “我是一个得了真传的`道士,只要你跟着我云游,我就一定把道学传授给你。”

  Ji Zi believed this to be true, and followed this man wholeheartedly。 The swindler wanted all along to take action, but had no chance, while Ji Zi time and again urged him to teach the Taoist doctrine。

爱上海后花园论坛  季子信以为真,诚心诚意地跟着他走。骗子一直想下手,但是没有机会。季子却不时地催促他传道。

  One day the two of them came to a river bank。 At the sight of a moored boat, the swindler got an idea and planned to take action。 He said to Ji Zi:

爱上海后花园论坛  一天,俩人一同来到江边。骗子一眼看到停泊的船,灵机一动,准备下手,就骗季子说:

爱上海后花园论坛  "Taoism is right here!"


  Ji Zi asked anxiously:




  The swindler said:


  "It is at the top of the boats mast。 You will learn Taoism if you climb up to the top。"

爱上海后花园论坛  “就在这条船的桅杆顶端,你爬上去就得道了。”

爱上海后花园论坛  Ji Zi put his bag of money under the mast, hurriedly grasped the mast and began to climb。 The swindler clapped his hands and shouted below:

爱上海后花园论坛  季子将钱袋放在桅杆下,急忙抓住桅杆往上爬。骗子在下面拍着巴掌,连声喊道:

  "Up! Go further up!"


爱上海后花园论坛  When Ji Zi climbed up to the top and could go no further, he suddenly saw the light。 Hugging the mast, he shouted happily:


  "Ive learned Taoism! Ive learned Taoism!"

爱上海后花园论坛  “我得道了!我得道了!”

  The swindler took this opportunity to pick up the bag of money and run away。


  When Ji Zi came down, he kept shouting happily。 The by— standers said:


  "Hey, you fool, he is a swindler and has made off with your money。"


爱上海后花园论坛  Ji Zi replied:


  "He is my master! He is my master! This is also what he is teaching me!"


  中国经典寓言故事双语 26

爱上海后花园论坛  Wang Yuqi was a well-known expert in driving carriages in the State of Zhao.


  When Xiang Zi of Zhao heard of this, he asked Wang to teach him to drive a carriage. Not long after, Xiang Zi of Zhao thought he had already mastered the skills, and suggested a race against Wang_ He didnt expect that after he had changed horses three times in succession, he still lost the race to Wang.

爱上海后花园论坛  赵襄子听说后,让王于期教他驾车的本领。不久,赵襄子自以为已经学会了,就提出要和王于期比赛驾车。他没想到,一连换了三次马,都输给了王于期。

爱上海后花园论坛  Xiang Zi of Zhao was flustered and exasperated. He said to Wang:


  "In teaching me to drive, have you held anything back and not taught me all your skills?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “您教我驾车,是不是留了一手,没有把全部本领教给我?”

爱上海后花园论坛  Hearing this, Wang smiled and said:

爱上海后花园论坛  王于期听后,笑着说:

  "You ought to believe that I have taught you all the skills in driving a carriage. But, when Your Highness was racing against me, you always tried to keep in front of me. Once you lagged behind, you strove to overtake me; but after you overtook me, you were afraid that I would catch up with you. You focused all your attention on me. You forgot that in driving a carriage, the most important thing is to take care of the horses wholeheartedly and pay attention to the handlebars of the carriage and the harness to see whether they fit or not. Only then can you give the rein to the horses and let them gallop for 1,000 li. But during the race, you not only strove to be the first but also feared to lag behind. How could you concentrate your mind on driving the carriage?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “您应该相信,我把驾车的本领已经全部教给您了。但是,大王在跟我比赛的时候,总是跑在我的前面。一落后就想拼命地追上我;而大王跑到我前面以后,又怕被我追上。您把注意力全部放在了我身上,忘记了凡是驾车,最关键的是首先要一心一意地调理马匹,注意车把、马套合适不合适;然后才谈得上纵马飞腾,奔驰千里。而您在比赛的时候,既想争先,又恐落后,怎么会集中思想驾车呢?”赵襄子听了恍然大悟,感叹地说:

  Hearing this, Xiang Zi of Zhao was enlightened. He gave a deep sigh and said: "Your words certainly hit the nail on the head. That is the very reason why I lagged behind."


  中国经典寓言故事双语 27

  In the past, there was a married couple in the State of Lu. The husband was a shoemaker who made very good shoes. The wife was a good hand at weaving silk. One day, the couple decided to go to the State of Yue to make a living.

爱上海后花园论坛  从前,鲁国有这么一对夫妇:丈夫是一个鞋匠,鞋子做得很好;妻子是一个织绢能手。一天,这两口子商量决定,去越国谋生。

  When this news spread around, one man tried to dissuade them:

爱上海后花园论坛  这消息一传开,就有一个人去劝他们说:

  "You had better not go. If you go to the State of Yue to make a living, that would be too bad. Over there, you certainly cannot make a living!"


  The couple asked in surprise:


爱上海后花园论坛  "We dont understand what you mean. Each of us has superb craftsmanship. How is it possible that we couldnt make a living? Dont talk nonsense!"


爱上海后花园论坛  Thereupon, the man said to them:

爱上海后花园论坛  于是,那人对他俩说:

  "Right. You indeed have superb craftsmanship. But you probably dont know the situation. You make shoes for people to wear, but the people in the State of Yue like to go barefooted and do not wear shoes; you weave silk to make hats, but the people there like to have their hair hanging down and do not wear hats. Then, how can you sell the shoes and hats you make? Though you are highly skilled, your manual skills are of no use over there. Then how can you make a living?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “对呀,你们手艺的确很好。不过你们大概不了解情况吧!你们做了鞋子,原来是给人穿的,可是越国人喜欢赤脚,不穿鞋子;你们织的丝绢,原来是做帽子用的,可是越国人喜欢披着头发,不戴帽子。那么,你们做的鞋子、帽子,怎么卖得出去呢?你们的`技艺虽然很高,可是在那里却用不上。到那时候,看你们怎么生活。”

  After hearing this, the husband and wife saw the light:

爱上海后花园论坛  这对夫妻听后,恍然大悟:

  "Oh, so our way of thinking is against the current fashion."


  中国经典寓言故事双语 28

爱上海后花园论坛  Someone mocked at Hui Zi before the King of Liang.


  "This Hui Zi likes to use metaphors when he speaks. If he is not allowed to use metaphors, he surely wont be able to explain anything at all."

爱上海后花园论坛  “这个惠子说话爱用比喻,假如不准他用比喻,那他一定什么也说不清楚了。”

  The following day the King of Liang met Hui Zi and said to him:


  "From now on, when you speak, come straight to the point and do not use metaphors and beat about the bush."


  Hui Zi said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Now someone does not know what a slingshot is. You tell him, ` `A slingshot is `a slingshot.’Can he understand?"


  "How can he understand?" said the King of Liang.

爱上海后花园论坛  梁王说:“那怎么能明白呢?”

  Hui Zi went on:


  "If I tell him a slingshot is like a bow, its bowstring is made of bamboo, and it is a device for shooting, can he understand?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “如果我告诉他,弹的形状像弓,弦是用竹子做的,是一种射具,他能明白吗?”

  The King of Liang said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Yes, he can."

爱上海后花园论坛  “可以明白了。”

  Hui Zi said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "The purpose of drawing an analogy between the thing people have already known and the thing they dont know yet is to make them understood. You want me to speak without using metaphors. How can that be done?"


  The King of Liang said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "What you said is right."

爱上海后花园论坛  “你说得对呀!”

  中国经典寓言故事双语 29

  Once, Confucius went to the east to advocate his ideas, On the way he met two children arguing hotly with each other。 Confucius asked:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Children, what are you arguing about?"


爱上海后花园论坛  One child said:


  "I think when the sun rises from the hills, it is nearer to us, and at noon, it is farther from us。"

爱上海后花园论坛  “我认为,太阳刚刚出山时,离我们近;到了中午,就离我们远了。”

  The other child argued:

爱上海后花园论坛  另一个小孩争辩说:

  "I think when the sun rises from the hills, it is farther from us, but at noon it is nearer to us。"


爱上海后花园论坛  One child said:


  "As is known to all, things far away look smaller and things nearer look bigger。 When the sun rises, it is as big as the canopy on a carnage; at noon it is only as big as a plate or a dish。 Doesnt this show that when the sun rises, it is nearer to us?"


爱上海后花园论坛  The other child said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "We all know that things nearby make us feel hot, and things far away make us feel cool。 When the sun comes out, the air is clear and clean; at noon it is as hot as putting the hand in hot water。 Doesnt this show that the sun is nearer to us at noon?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “大家知道,近的东西使人觉得热,远的使人觉得清凉。太阳刚出来时,空气清清爽爽的;到了中午,热得像把手伸到热水里一样。这不正说明太阳在中午时离我们近吗?”

  The two children went on arguing endlessly。 Confucius was unable to judge who was right。 The two children laughed at him:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Who said you are learned and erudite?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “谁说你博学多知呢!”

  中国经典寓言故事双语 30

  One year, there was a great famine in the State of Qi.


爱上海后花园论坛  A rich man named Qian Ao set up a stall by the roadside with lots of food, waiting for hungry people to come to give it in charity.

爱上海后花园论坛  有个富人,名叫黔敖。他在大路旁边设摊,摆了许多食物,等饥饿的人来了,就施舍给他们。

  After a short while, an awfully hungry man walked over, with his head covered by his sleeve and his shoes tied up with strings. When Qian Ao saw this, he held food in his left hand and tea in his right, shouting:


  "Hey, come and eat your fill."


  The man raised his head suddenly, opening his eyes wide and said angrily:


  "It is exactly because I dont want to take this kind of hand-out food given by people shouting charity that I have starved to such an extent!"

爱上海后花园论坛  “我就是因为不吃这种人家吃喝着施舍的食物,才饿到这种地步的`啊!”

  As soon as Qian Ao heard this, he quickly apologized to the man.

爱上海后花园论坛  黔敖一听,连忙向他表示歉意。

  But eventually the man starved to death because he was unwilling to take the food.


  中国经典寓言故事双语 31

爱上海后花园论坛  In the State of Chu a man cooked some monkey meat and invited his neighbour to eat it with him. He told his neighbour:

爱上海后花园论坛  楚国,有一个人煮好了猴子肉,邀请邻居一起来吃,并且告诉他说:

  "This is dog meat."

爱上海后花园论坛  “这是狗肉。”

  The neighbour ate and drank his fill and said the taste was excellent.

爱上海后花园论坛  邻居吃饱喝足,说味道好极了。

  After the meal, when the neighbour heard that what he had eaten was monkey meat instead of dog meat, he felt nauseated. He squatted on his heels and burst out vomitting till he threw up everything he had eaten.


爱上海后花园论坛  Afterwards, people all said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "That neighbour is truly a man who cannot savour the taste of food."

爱上海后花园论坛  “那个邻居,实在是个品尝不出食物味道的人啊!”

  中国经典寓言故事双语 32

  One day, a man named He Shi of the State of Chu got a piece of uncarved jade in a hill. He quickly went to present it to King Li of the State of Chu. King Li asked a jade craftsman to appraise it. The jade craftsman said:

爱上海后花园论坛  一天,有个名叫“和氏”的楚国人,在一座山里得到一块没有雕琢过的玉石,连忙拿去献给楚厉王。厉王叫玉匠鉴定,玉匠说:

  "This is a piece of ordinary stone."


爱上海后花园论坛  King Li believed that He Shi had deceived him and felt very angry. He had He Shis left foot cut off.

爱上海后花园论坛  厉王认为和氏欺骗了他,非常气愤,就砍掉了和氏的'左脚。

爱上海后花园论坛  After King Li died, King Wu became the king. Again He Shi took this piece of jade to present it to King Wu. King Wu asked a jade craftsman to appraise it. The jade craftsman also said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "This is a piece of ordinary stone."


爱上海后花园论坛  King Wu believed that He Shi had deceived him and had He Shis right foot cut off.


爱上海后花园论坛  After King Wu died, King Wen succeeded to the throne. He Shi sat at the foot of the hill, held the piece of jade in his hands and wept. He wept for three days and three nights until his tears dried up and his eyes bled. When King Wen heard of this, he sent someone to ask He Shi:


  "Many people in the world have had their feet cut off. Why do you weep so broken-heartedly?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “天下被砍去脚的人很多,你为什么哭得这样伤心呢?”

  He Shi answered:


  "I am not weeping for losing both my feet. I am broken-hearted because the King takes the jade for a piece of stone, and my loyalty for deceit."


  After King Wen heard this, he sent for a jade craftsman and ordered him to chisel open the jade. Sure enough it was a piece of genuine jade. Thus King Wen of Chu named it "He Shi Jade".


  中国经典寓言故事双语 33

  Song Dingbo of Nanyang came across a ghost when he was walking at night. Dingbo asked who he was.

爱上海后花园论坛  南阳人宋定伯,夜里走路时碰见了鬼。定伯发问,对方回答说:

  "I am a ghost," replied the ghost. "And who are you?"


  "I am a ghost too," Dingbo lied.


  "Where are you going?" the ghost asked.


  "To the City of Wan," Dingbo replied.

爱上海后花园论坛  鬼问:“你到哪里去呀?”

爱上海后花园论坛  "I am going to the City of Wan, too," said the ghost. "We happen to go the same way."

爱上海后花园论坛  “我到宛市去。”定伯答道。

  Thereupon, they walked together. After walking for a few li, the ghost suggested:

爱上海后花园论坛  鬼说:“我也要去宛市,刚好同路。”

  "It is too tiring to walk. Let us carry each other on the back by turns."


爱上海后花园论坛  "Excellent," Dingbo agreed.

爱上海后花园论坛  “步行太累了,咱们轮流背着走吧!”

  Thereupon the ghost carried Dingbo on its back. After walking for a few li, it found Dingbo rather heavy. It became suspicious and asked:


  "You are too heavy. Are you not a ghost?"

爱上海后花园论坛  鬼先背定伯走了几里,感到沉重,不免生疑说:

  "I died not long ago, so I am heavy," Dingbo gave a clever reply.

爱上海后花园论坛  “你太重了,莫非不是鬼?”

爱上海后花园论坛  It was now Dingbos turn to carry the ghost. As expected, the ghost really had no weight.

爱上海后花园论坛  定伯机灵地说:“我刚死不久,所以沉重。”

爱上海后花园论坛  Thus they carried each other by turns and went on their journey. At this moment, Dingbo asked again:

爱上海后花园论坛  轮到定伯背鬼,果然没有什么重量。

爱上海后花园论坛  "I am a new ghost. I dont know what ghosts are afraid of."


  The ghost whispered:

爱上海后花园论坛  “我是新鬼,不知鬼害怕些什么?”

  "It is mans spittle that ghosts fear most."


爱上海后花园论坛  As they walked along, they came to a small creek. Dingbo let the ghost cross first. The ghost crossed the creek as if it were walking on land in shoes, without making the slightest noise. But when Dingbo crossed the creek, he splashed the water in all directions with a lot of noise.


  The ghost became suspicious again and asked:


  "Why was there such noise when you crossed the creek?"

爱上海后花园论坛  鬼又起了疑心,问:

  Dingbo explained:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Im a new ghost and not used to crossing the water yet."

爱上海后花园论坛  定伯说:“我刚死,还不习惯渡水。”

爱上海后花园论坛  At that, the ghost was convinced.

爱上海后花园论坛  听了定伯的.解释,鬼也就深信不疑了。

爱上海后花园论坛  As they were approaching the City of Wan, Dingbo carried the ghost on his shoulder, held it tightly and started to run very fast with vigorous strides. The ghost shouted loudly and demanded that it be put down, but Dingbo turned a deaf ear to its demand. He reached the city of Wan in one breath and threw the ghost to the ground. Then and there the ghost revealed its original shape of a sheep. Dingbo sold it and, fearing it might turn back into a ghost, spit on it several times. With a payment of 1,500 coins from the sale, he left happily.


  中国经典寓言故事双语 34

爱上海后花园论坛  There was an archer named Geng Ying in the State of Wei. He went sightseeing with the King of Wei at Jingtai. At that time a bird was circling around in the sky, uttering sad and shrill cries now and then. The King of Wei looked up at it for a while and said to Geng Ying:

爱上海后花园论坛  魏国有位射手名叫更赢。他跟随魏王在京台游玩。这时有一只鸟在空中盘旋,还不时发出凄厉的叫声。魏王抬头看了一会儿,便对更赢说:

爱上海后花园论坛  "Do you see that bird? Can you shoot it down?"


  "I can shoot it down without using an arrow," Geng Ying said.


爱上海后花园论坛  After a while, the bird flew near. Geng Ying pulled his bow to the full, plucked the bowstring, and at the sound the bird fell to the ground before their feet.

爱上海后花园论坛  一会儿,那只鸟飞近了,更赢拉满弓,拨动了一下弓弦,鸟就应声落在他们跟前。

爱上海后花园论坛  The King of Wei said in surprise:


  "You can shoot down a bird without an arrow. Your skill in archery is really wonderful."


  Geng Ying said:


  "Your Majesty, this is not due to my good skill, but because this is a bird of bad luck. You can hear how sadly and shrilly it wailed, and see how tiredly it flew. It was already wounded, and for a long time could not find its companion. Therefore it couldnt stand the least fright. As soon as I twanged my bow, it thought it had been shot and fell down of its own accord from the sky. What a pitiful bird frightened by the mere twang of a bowstring!"


  中国经典寓言故事双语 35

爱上海后花园论坛  In former days, when all a mans limbs did not work together as amicably as they do now, but each had a will and way of its own, the members generally began to find fault with the belly for spending an idle luxurious life, while they were wholly occupied in laboring for its support, and ministering to its wants and pleasure; so they entered into a conspiracy to cut off its supplies for the future;


爱上海后花园论坛  the hands were no longer to carry food to the mouth, nor the mouth to receive the food, nor the teeth to chew it.


  they had not long persisted in this course of starving the belly into subjection, ere they all began, one by one, to fail and flag, and the whole body to pine away.


爱上海后花园论坛  then the members were convinced that the belly also, cumbersome and useless as it seemed, had an important function of its own; that they could no more do without it than it could do without them; and that if they would have the constitution of the body in a healthy state, they must work together, each in his proper sphere, for the common good of all.

爱上海后花园论坛  此时,这些器官才明白,肚子虽然看似笨拙、无用,实际上却有其重要的作用;它们离不开肚子,而肚子也同样离不开它们;如果想让身体保持健康,它们就得为了共同的利益精诚合作,各司其职。

  中国经典寓言故事双语 36

  Qin Qing was a famous singer in the State of Qin.

爱上海后花园论坛  秦青是秦国著名的歌唱家。

  A young man named Xue Tan acknowledged him as teacher to learn singing and playing musical instruments from him.

爱上海后花园论坛  有个名叫薛谭的青年,拜他为师,向他学习演唱和弹奏。

  Xue Tan learned for a certain period of time, but before he had mastered the skill of his teacher, he thought that he had learned all.

爱上海后花园论坛  薛谭学习了一段时间,还没有把师父的本领学到手,就自以为都学好了。

  One day, Xue Tan planned to leave his teacher for home. His teacher knew he was leaving and did not urge him to stay.

爱上海后花园论坛  一天,薛谭打算离开老师回家。老师知道他要走,就没有挽留他。

爱上海后花园论坛  The day Xue Tan said goodbye to his teacher and set out for home, Qin Qing accompanied him on his way and gave him an especial farewell dinner outside the city. During the dinner, Qin Qing beat time and sang a solemn and stirring song. His resounding voice shook the trees along the road; his beautiful singing kept the clouds lingering in the sky.


  Xue Tan heard the singing and felt ashamed of himself. He hurriedly knelt down before his teacher and apologized:


  "Master, after I heard you sing, I can find no place to hide myself for shame. I am ashamed beyond words. I am far from mastering your skill."

爱上海后花园论坛  “老师,学生听了您的演唱,真是无地自容,羞愧难言!我还远远没有学会老师的技艺呢!”

爱上海后花园论坛  He asked his teacher to forgive him and allow him to stay and resume his learning. From then on, he learned humbly and dared not ask to go home. Later, he said to everyone he met:


爱上海后花园论坛  "To learn a skill, how can one be conceited and learn only half-baked knowledge?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “学习技艺哪能骄傲自满,一知半解呢!”

  中国经典寓言故事双语 37

  One day, Zhuang Gong, King of the State of Qi, went out in a chariot to hunt.

爱上海后花园论坛  一天,齐庄公乘车外出打猎。

  On the way, he saw a small insect raise both its arms, trying to stop the wheels of the chariot. Zhuang Gong of Qi was curious and asked the driver:

爱上海后花园论坛  路上,他看见一只小虫举起双臂,想阻挡车轮前进。齐庄公很好奇,就问车夫:

爱上海后花园论坛  "What kind of insect is it?"


爱上海后花园论坛  "It is a mantis," the driver replied promptly. "This kind of insect only knows how to advance but not retreat, blindly underrating its enemies and overrating its own abilities."

爱上海后花园论坛  车夫连忙回答:“这是蝗螂。这种虫子只知前进,不知后退,盲目轻敌,不自量力。”

  Hearing the drivers reply, Zhuang Gong smiled to himself and remained silent.


  中国经典寓言故事双语 38

爱上海后花园论坛  A man in a village had a sore on his foot which bled and oozed pus. He couldnt bear the pain and moaned without stop.


爱上海后花园论坛  He said to his family:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Be quick! Chisel a hole in the wall!"


爱上海后花园论坛  After the hole was made, he hurriedly stretched his foot into his neighbours house.

爱上海后花园论坛  墙洞凿成后,他连忙把生着疮的脚,伸进隔壁邻居家里。

爱上海后花园论坛  His family members asked him:

爱上海后花园论坛  家里的`人问他:

爱上海后花园论坛  "What is this for`?"


  He replied:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Let the pain go to my neighbour. In this way, no matter how painful it is, it doesnt concern me any more!"


  中国经典寓言故事双语 39

  During the Spring and Autumn Period, a Shi family in the State of Lu had two sons. One of them studied liberal arts and the other martial arts.

爱上海后花园论坛  春秋时期,鲁国一户姓施的人家,有两个儿子,一个学文,一个学武。

爱上海后花园论坛  The son who studied liberal arts went to the State of Qi to advocate his doctrines, which were well received by the Lord of Qi. The Lord appointed him Tai Fu (one of the three highest officials to teach several princes of the State of Lu.


  The son who studied martial arts went to the State of Chu to tell the King of Chu his own military strategies. The King of Chu gladly asked him to stay to help administer military and political affairs.


  The two sons of the Shi family achieved success and fame, brought honour to their ancestors, and the whole family enjoyed high position and enormous wealth.


  The next-door family, the Meng family, also had two sons. They learned liberal arts and martial arts in the same way, but remained poor and frustrated.


爱上海后花园论坛  The Meng family was envious of the Shi family’s achievements, and visited them to ask about the ways of winning promotion and getting rich. The two sons of the Shi family told the Meng family their experiences as they were.


  Thereupon, the son of the Meng family who studied liberal arts went to the State of Qin to advocate "benevolence and righteousness". At this, the King of Qin was very displeased. He said:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Nowadays the feudal lords under the emperor are seeking hegemony and fighting one another. We should devote our efforts to farming and preparations for war. If we adopt your doctrines of benevolence and righteousness to govern our state, we will be on the way to destruction." Then he ordered to castrate the son of the Meng family and deport him from the State of Qin.


  The other son of the Meng family who studied martial arts went to the State of Wei and talked at length with the Lord of Wei about the doctrine of strengthening the army. The Lord of Wei was very disgusted and said angrily:


爱上海后花园论坛  "Our state is small and weak, and situated in between several large states. We treat the large states with reverence and courtesy, and the small states with respect and care. This is the only correct strategy to keep peace and guarantee safety. If we follow what you said and mobilize the army for war, our state will be destroyed very soon. Today, if I let you go intact to other states to confuse and poison peoples minds to wantonly engage in military aggression, it will certainly put us in big danger." So he ordered to cut off both feet of the son of the Meng family and drive him back to the State of Lu.


  When the two sons of the Meng family returned home, they and their father, all three of them, rushed to the Shi family to rebuke them.


  After the Shi family learned about the situation, they said with a sigh of emotion:


  "Only those who understand the times will get along smoothly in life. Otherwise they will end up in tragic failure. Though your sons have learned the same things as ours, the results are entirely different from ours."

爱上海后花园论坛  “凡是识时务的人,就能一帆风顺;反之,就会惨遭失败。您儿子虽然学习的东西跟我们一样,但是结果却和我们的完全相反。”









