
秋天的英语作文The autumn

时间:2022-01-26 19:48:07 季节类英语作文 我要投稿

爱上海后花园论坛关于秋天的英语作文The autumn

  Is a beautiful season, autumn is a harvest season, is a golden sea.

关于秋天的英语作文The autumn

  Melon and fruit mature, farmers uncle again into the hot work. Into the beauty of autumn, you will find that the autumn is so beautiful, let beautiful autumn to impress your heart!

  Autumn morning, the sun smiled early on, can't wait to enjoy the beautiful scenery; The cloud also scrambling to come to report, like a naughty child you push me to play, from time to time changing shape; Sunflower winking its eyes looked around, as if in looking at this beautiful world; Apple tree bearing large fruit, red apple, like a small lantern, like children sweet smiling face, let you can't help but want to bite; With the flowers sway in the breeze of its leaves, to send light faint scent in the air; The whole grass like a love beautiful girl, take off the green dress, put on the orange clothes, dignified look more beautiful. Intoxicated by beautiful scenery, let a person can't help!

  How beautiful the autumn, let's cherish the wonderful time of autumn!



爱上海后花园论坛   秋天的早晨,太阳公公早早地露出了笑脸,迫不及待地来欣赏这美丽的景色了;白云也争先恐后地前来报道,像一个个调皮的孩子似的你推我打,不时变换着模样;向日葵眨着它的大眼睛四处张望,好像在打量着这个美丽的世界;苹果树结出了硕大的果子,红红的苹果像一个个小灯笼,又像孩子们甜美的笑脸,让你忍不住想咬一口;花儿也随着微风摇摆着它的叶子,给空气中送来淡淡的清香;整个草地也像一位爱美的姑娘,脱下了碧绿的裙子,换上了橘黄的衣裳,显得更加秀美端庄。这么美的景色,让人情不自禁地陶醉了!

爱上海后花园论坛   秋天多么美丽,让我们一起来珍惜秋天的美好时光吧!

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