

时间:2022-01-27 09:15:31 季节类英语作文 我要投稿


爱上海后花园论坛  秋天是一个成熟的季节,喜悦的季节。下面是小编整理的美丽的秋天英语作文,欢迎大家阅读参考!



爱上海后花园论坛  秋天是一个迷人美妙的季节,她没有春天的五彩缤纷,百花齐放,也没有夏天的热情,与浪漫。没有冬天的圣洁和美丽。但秋天有他的独特的美,是别的季节所无可比拟的。

爱上海后花园论坛  Autumn is a charming and wonderful season. She does not have the colorful spring, the hundred flowers bloom, nor the summer's enthusiasm, and romance. Without the sanctity and beauty of winter. But autumn has its unique beauty, which is unmatched by other seasons.


  Look, the blue sky, put people into a an invigorating autumn climate, cool summer tropical world from be sleepy straws.


  In the fields of golden wheat. Has smiled bent waist. With a mouth lovely white corn in fine Fig. In the orchard a like red lanterns hanging in the tree that it is unable to hide greeds, autumn for the busy year farmers gift.


爱上海后花园论坛  Look at the leaves in the autumn wind is floating. Some people say that autumn is the season of sorrow, is the season of depression. No, autumn is the season of yearning and the season of return. The leaves, is not a child riding a windmill autumn girl singing the clatter of songs, stepping on a beautiful pace, ran back to the mother's embrace it. Let the distance from home to the mother's arms to recuperate.

爱上海后花园论坛  秋给了人带来收获的喜悦同时也带来了充实,所以我爱秋。

爱上海后花园论坛  Autumn brings joy to the harvest, but also brings enrichment, so I love autumn.



爱上海后花园论坛  Autumn is beautiful and charming. She is no spring nor summer so that a riot of colour, Jiaoyangsihuo, not winter so pure. But she is a mature season, a season of joy.


  In autumn, the sky, an invigorating autumn climate and pleasant scenery.


  Fall to the field, from afar, a golden, like a golden sea breeze, in the field of rice lifted layers that shakes the barley, like the sea waves rolling in. The corn was standing near the wind. And her child's corn grin cracked open. Golden teeth appeared, as if to say, "thank you, autumn."".


爱上海后花园论坛  Autumn came to the orchard, and the trees were covered with heavy fruit. Red apple covered with branches, like a beacon red lanterns, a fall of joy; golden pear like a golden bell and a wind blowing like clanging in the tree.


爱上海后花园论坛  Autumn is happy, autumn is intoxicating. You see, uncle farmer's face that bright smile, cordial words, is not the joy of the harvest? I think: I should also in this beautiful autumn harvest a labor achievement - good study, day day up. Achieve excellent results.


爱上海后花园论坛  金风送爽,秋姑娘迈着轻盈的步伐来到了人间,看,她要开一个盛会。

爱上海后花园论坛  The cool breeze, autumn girl walked the pace of light the world, came to see, she is going to have a meeting.

爱上海后花园论坛  银杏树叶是金黄色的,像一把小扇,骄傲地说:“看!是我扇走了先天的炎热!”枫叶也不服输,说:“看!我红的像一把火,也像一个五角星,还像小朋友的手掌呢!风一吹我,我可以和小朋友挥手致意呢!”现在菊花开口了,说:“看我的花,有的白如雪,有的黄如玉,还有的粉如霞,比你们好吧,像一道花的`彩虹。”

爱上海后花园论坛  Ginkgo leaves are golden, like a small fan, proudly said: "look!"! It was I who left the birth of the heat!" Maple leaf also refused to admit defeat, said: "look!"! My red like a fire, but also like a five pointed star, but also like the child's palm it?! The wind blows me, I can kids and waved it!" Now the chrysanthemum opening, said: "look at me some flowers, some yellow jade, as white as snow, and the powder Ruxia, better than you, like a flower of the rainbow."

爱上海后花园论坛  苹果又发话了:“哼!我到了秋天外皮红彤彤的,而且非常好吃。”他们争得不见高低,现在柿子又说了:“我到了秋天果实比你们都好吃,还像一盏盏小灯笼。

  The apple said again, "hum!"! I fall into the skin red, and very delicious." They don't win the tournament. Now persimmon said: "I am in the autumn fruits are more delicious than you, like a small lantern lamp. 


  "If life is only like the first sight, what autumn wind sad painting fan?"." Autumn seems to have been given a breath of sadness.


  It brings parting, it brings sadness...... It seems that as soon as I think of autumn, the deep melancholy is inexplicable in my heart. Maybe it is just because he is full of "mournfulautumn" not only let people hate, but love it.

爱上海后花园论坛  秋天,是一个美丽的季节,我喜欢它,那么你呢?

  Autumn is a beautiful season. I like it. How about you?



  Autumn, what a pleasant season! Melons and fruits everywhere, fruits and fruits. A paddy field with a golden ocean. The autumn wind is like a lovely little girl, wearing a gold dress, with a gold cap, watching the dancing in the wind. The mountain also learned rice fields, covered with a dazzling color of clothing, green, golden, and dark yellow, colorful, for the old autumn adds a glimmer of gorgeous.

爱上海后花园论坛  看!田野里一片黄澄澄的',像一张金色的毛毯,在仔细看看,原来是麦子成熟了,风儿轻轻吹过,他们也向过路人点头哈腰。在向旁边瞧去,高粱早已举高了大大的火把,正在举行火把传递活动,这儿红了哪儿也红了。

  See! A piece of yellow in the field, like a golden blanket, a closer look at the original, is wheat mature, the wind gently blowing, they have to bow and scrape the passers-by. Look in the side, sorghum has long raised high, big torch, torch relay is held, red here, where red.


  Wow! Look at those trees, mighty good go with head high and chest out, ah! Every tree is fruitful, but what about trees? It seems to be waving to us, showing us what we have achieved! Let's enjoy it! Walking along the road home, the roadside leaves fall, like a golden butterfly, dancing. Floating to the side of the brook, like a golden boat, floating far away.


  This is the autumn which belongs to my hometown Tonglu!









