

时间:2022-03-26 12:35:33 妈妈 我要投稿


爱上海后花园论坛  在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是小编为大家收集的妈妈,您听我说英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。



  When I sit alone in front of the window, facing the bright moonlight and stars, scenes of the past hit my head like a bat without hearing. I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have done that to you.

爱上海后花园论坛  妈妈,自从我上了初中以后,您对我的爱有增无减,您怕在学校住宿的我想家,三天两头地到学校里来看我,每次来时还带来许多物品。每次我放假回家,您总是做我最爱吃的菜。当时,我觉得自己简直是世界上最幸福的'人。但是,这样的日子久了,尤其是您往学校跑的次数太多了,我从同学们异样的眼神中感到难堪。初中的学习生活跟小学不一样,同学们都觉得自己已长大了,我也开始感觉到自己忽然是大人了,我需要自由,需要发展的空间,可是您不但没有发现我的变化,而且还更勤快地往学校里跑。于是,我开始厌烦您了。

  Mom, since I went to junior high school, your love for me has been growing. You are afraid that I am homesick when I stay at school. You come to see me at school for three days and two ends, and bring a lot of things every time. Every time I go home on holiday, you always make my favorite dish. At that time, I felt like the happiest person in the world. However, such a long time, especially the number of times you run to school, I feel embarrassed from the different eyes of my classmates. Junior high school learning life is different from primary school. Students feel that they have grown up. I also begin to feel that I am suddenly an adult. I need freedom and space for development, but you not only haven't found my change, but also run to school more diligently. So I began to get tired of you.


  Remember that day, the sky suddenly changed color, dark clouds gathered, and then the rain fell violently, the school quickly covered up in the storm. Soon after the wind stopped and the rain stopped, a figure ran on the open playground of the campus, splashing a foot high water behind her, holding a coat in her hand. I know that you are here. Seeing you like that, the students all laughed. I was angry with you and scolded you for loving too much. In fact, I was grateful to you at that time, but you did that to my face.


爱上海后花园论坛  In the next few days, you never came to see me again, but I found your shadow in the campus by chance. It turned out that you were still secretly inquiring about me and concerned about my study and life. At this time, I suddenly realized that a great maternal love, I have a little regret that day should not be angry with you.


爱上海后花园论坛  Mom, to tell you the truth, I'm very grateful to you. You have given me more than ten years of nurturing grace and more than ten years of meticulous care. I have no reason to lose my temper with you. However, I am already a 15-year-old youth, no longer the babe who was beside you. I have my own ideas, I yearn for independence, and I need a space to exercise my ability and develop myself.

爱上海后花园论坛  妈妈,面对一个缤纷精彩的世界,面对一个充满竞争的未来,我坦率地对您说,谢谢您给我的爱,但也请您放手,让我像一只离巢的小鸟,在广阔的天空里自由地飞翔吧。

  Mom, in the face of a colorful and wonderful world and a future full of competition, I frankly say to you, thank you for your love, but also please let go, let me fly freely in the vast sky like a bird away from the nest.





妈妈 请听我说作文03-07





