

时间:2022-08-10 06:27:23 其他类英语作文 我要投稿
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学英语作文300字 篇1

爱上海后花园论坛  I had a busy weekend. On the Saturday, I walked to Lily’s home . I studied English with her. in the afternoon, I cooked noodles with my mother .On Sunday morning, I watched TV, it was fun. Then I went to a park by bike . I flew kites. It was a sunny day. In the evening, I washed my clothes and cleaned my room. My last weekend was very busy. But I was very happy.

爱上海后花园论坛  我有一个繁忙的周末。星期六,我走到莉莉的.家。我跟她学习英语。下午,我煮面条用我的母亲。上周日上午,我看电视,很好玩。然后我去公园骑自行车。我放风筝。那是一个阳光灿烂的日子。到了晚上,我洗我的衣服,打扫房间。我上周末很忙。不过,我很高兴。

学英语作文300字 篇2

  Let me tell you what I will be when I grow up. I think languages are the most important tools of communication among people. Each country's languages, which are different, are interesting. So I want to be a translator. Since I was a child, I have learned many kinds of languages. I like to make friends with people from other countries. If I can speak a lot of languages, I will have a lot of friends. I don't think being a translator is very easy. It must be very hard. But I want to try! So I'm studying English now. I want to be a translator in Japan. It's my dream and I believe I can do it.

学英语作文300字 篇3

  When I grw up

  When I grw up, I want t be an artist. I want t use clrful pencil t draw this wnderful wrld t everne.

爱上海后花园论坛  Se ears ag, I did nt nw hw t use the pencil t draw the picture fr ther and father. One da, I fund I culd draw anials, peple, untains, seasns with the clrful pencils with teacher’s help. As a result, I want t be a artist. Even thugh this drea is ver sall, but I still ae effrt. I can stud drawing hardl fr nw n. An then I thin drea will ce true.

  When I grw up, I want t be an artist. What abut u? What’s ur drea?

学英语作文300字 篇4

爱上海后花园论坛  人有一些东西只有过去了才会觉得珍惜。

爱上海后花园论坛  我一直想学好英语,但是就是没有恒心不能坚持下去。当初,英语一次考不好,下一次我一定会加倍努力提高自己的英语,使得成绩有一个大的改变。不过后来,也就没有什么毅力了,也不知道是不是自己的方法有问题,反正成绩提高的不快,可是也不会落下,就这样一直到了大学。

爱上海后花园论坛  如今,我又一次发现英语比什么科目都重要,上大学过英语四级最重要的事情之一。但是我的英语水平太一般,每次的期末考试试卷难度不是很大,成绩却也不高,主要是因为上大学也不怎么学习英语了!但是考四级要得是自己的真实才能,平时不努力学习,想要凭借运气,这就不科学了,而且我的运气一直不好,所以我没有想过不努力会有收获。

爱上海后花园论坛  一直都有人告诉我们英语四级考试是很困难的,过关率普遍不高,而且你又是一个不擅长英语的.,就更不行了,所以要努力学习英语。老师与一个学长建议我们先买一个真题做一做,而且要努力。我现在才意识到,如果当初我的英语水平低的时候,就努力提高,现在已经什么问题都没有了吧!

爱上海后花园论坛  哎!努力学英语吧,早日过四级!

学英语作文300字 篇5

爱上海后花园论坛  the four sensons

爱上海后花园论坛  Spring it is warm and windy. in spring, I can fly kites. And aiso I can plant trees . It’s so nice to catch the trees grow .

  It’s very hot in summer . I can swim . And I can eat ice creams .Summer is beautiflu , we can see many colourflu flower and green trees .

  Fall is golden .The leaves fall. And flowers very busy . I like fall . It’s windy and cool . We can eat lots of food . Also we can climb mountains in fall .

  Winter is beautiful . It’s cold . It’s often snows . It’s white , we can play with snow . And we can make a snowman and skate .So I like is very much .

学英语作文300字 篇6

爱上海后花园论坛  A Rainy Day

爱上海后花园论坛  Today is a rainy day and it’s cold with the temperature of 5℃. There are only a few people on the street and they all wear thick down coats and boots. They walk quickly and seem to go somewhere to escape from cold.

  It has been cold for a very long time and this winter is colder than ever, but I like it very much because I was born in winter. Besides, in my oppion, only the coldness makes a real winter.



爱上海后花园论坛  今天是一个雨天,而且很冷,温度只有5℃。街上人很少而且他们都穿着厚厚的`羽绒服和靴子。他们都走得很快似乎要走去某个地方来逃离寒冷。


学英语作文300字 篇7

  如果我们分析海水的盐度,会发现地区间只有轻微的变化,然而有些小的变化是重要的。 导致海洋的盐度变化的基本过程有三个。

爱上海后花园论坛  其中之一是通过蒸发的方式即把液态水转化为水蒸气来减少海洋中的水分。这样由于盐留了下来,所以盐度增大。

  当然,如果这种方式走向极端,将会余下白色的盐晶体。 与蒸发相反的是降水,如降雨,由此水被加入海中,海水被稀释,从而盐度降低。 这种情形会发生在大量降雨的地区,或江河入海岸处。 因此,盐度通过蒸发减少水分而上升或通过降水或径流增加淡水成分而下降。

  一般来说,在阳光很强烈的热带地区,海水的盐度略高于世界上其它没有热带那样多的蒸发的地区。 同理,在江河稀释海水的海岸地带,海水盐度略低于其它海区。

爱上海后花园论坛  第三个可以变更盐度的过程与海洋中冰的形成和融化有关。 海水冻结时,溶于其中的物质被留了下来。 这样,在新形成的海水冰面的`正下方的海水比在冰形成之前有更高的盐度。 当然,当冰融化的时候,会降低周围水中的盐度。 在南极洲边缘的威德尔海中,结冰过程增加低温海水的盐度,从而形成了浓度最大的海水。 这些大密度的海水下沉,可以在世界海洋的深水域发现。

学英语作文300字 篇8

  I think different people has different dream .What about you?To be a doctor or a singer and some others.Oh I only want to be happy .I am very sad because I didn't get high score in this exam .I think it is too difficult for me .But no one can understand me .I didn"t smell after that exam .I really want to be happy ,and I can study hard.

  I believe my dream will come true.

学英语作文300字 篇9

爱上海后花园论坛  I have a good family.

爱上海后花园论坛  We are very helpful at home. What can we do?My father is great.He can cook the meals,clean the bedroom,wash the clothes and do the dishes.He is very cool! My mother is very good. She can cook the meals,empty the trash,sweep the floor,clean the bedroom,water the flowers, wash the clothes and do the dishes,too. What can I do?I am helpful. I can sweep the floor,empty the trash,set the table,make the bed and wash the clothes. And there is more! Can I cook the meals? No,I can’t, but I’d like to have a try!

爱上海后花园论坛  I love my family, a very helpful family.

学英语作文300字 篇10

  i am cendy. i am in nanhai eperimental primary school. i am in class 9, grade 6. i am tall and thin. i live in dali. i have many good friends. i often play with them.

  i have many hobbies, riding a bike, drawing pictures and reading books. but i like to read books the best. because of reading books is good for my study. i also like riding bikes. because of it does a lot of good to my body.

爱上海后花园论坛  what’s your hobby? can you tell me?










