

时间:2023-04-10 19:10:15 其他类英语作文 我要投稿


爱上海后花园论坛  在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编为大家收集的关于垃圾分类英语作文通用,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。



  Seeking to reduce the amount of garbage in the

  city,Hangzhou,capital of East China’s Zhejiang Province,is experimenting with a measure to ‘name and shame’ those who fail to put garbage in the right place. At the Dongpinggang Community on Hubing Road,people

  should mark their household numbers on garbage bags before throwing them away,and there are now inspectors staying beside the dustbins,evaluating the classification of garbage. The regulations on garbage classification require people to put garbage into four separate bins labeled recyclable waste,harmful waste,kitchen waste and other waste. A total of 843 residential(住宅区的) areas,about 55 percent of the city’s total,have adopted this measure. The results of the evaluation are posted in a diagram near the dustbins. The households which have correctly sorted more than 80 percent of their garbage will be marked in green,those with less than 40 percent garbage correctly sorted are marked in red and the rest in yellow. Vice director of the Hubing Road office,Yao Jie,said. “The performance of every household in garbage sorting can be clearly seen by the public under such a system.”


  Everyone knows that the earth is now being destroyed by the bad habits of our garbage. Do you know why it's going to rain these days? Because the earth is sick and has been pulling our stomachs, we need to save the earth and make the future of wu better. Once again, I went to ShangFangShan saw vast e某panses of peach blossom, is a vibrant, we continue to go forward, a pool of water has been polluted a pile of rubbish floating on the surface of the water, also saw the numberous section battery, battery just thrown into the river pollution 5 square meters of water, the power of battery is terrible. Ne某t, we went to a barbecue area, there are three garbage bins recycled trash can, other waste, hazardous waste, I ran past see if garbage classification is wrong, but empty inside, such as, also a thing all have no, I don't think possible, see people in the barbecue, their garbage into a garbage can throw, is full still throw, really didn't quality. As long as we don't throw rubbish, we will be more beautiful.









