

时间:2022-03-26 10:24:02 [第六单元]胜似亲人 我要投稿





  "It's March 5, the day to learn from Uncle Lei Feng." Xiaolan muttered as she looked at the calendar, as if thinking. "Oh, by the way, I'll help grandma Zhang downstairs." Xiaolan jumped up with joy.


  Grandma Zhang is an old Inner Mongolian. Her children work in the city. She seldom comes back a few times a year. She lives alone in her family. Besides, she is poor. She is unhappy all day.


  Xiaolan comes to grandma Zhang's house. Grandma Zhang is at home. Xiaolan sees several dirty clothes on the bed, so she decides to help grandma Zhang do the laundry.

爱上海后花园论坛  小兰从家里拿来一块肥皂和盆子,又抱起脏衣服到河边去洗。小兰平时是勤劳的女孩,洗起衣服来得心应手,一会儿,就把衣服洗干净了。

  Xiaolan took a soap and basin from home, picked up the dirty clothes and went to the river to wash them. Xiao Lan is usually a hard-working girl. She is very handy when she washes clothes. In a moment, she cleans them.

爱上海后花园论坛  小兰回到张奶奶家。张奶奶正坐在凳子上盯着房顶发呆。小兰把洗好的衣服地上,走上前,甜甜地叫了声:“奶奶!”张奶奶连忙起身,迎上前去,抱住小兰,一手摸着小兰的脸,用苍老的脸紧贴着小兰的额头,激动地说:“孩子,我的儿呀!你我的`亲人,却比亲人更亲呀!奶奶经常麻烦你,真不好意思。”小兰听了奶奶的话,双手不住地在的围裙上擦,仰着头微笑着说:“奶奶,你别客气,就当我是你的亲孙女吧!”

爱上海后花园论坛  Xiaolan returns to grandma Zhang's house. Grandma Zhang is sitting on a stool staring at the roof. Xiaolan put the washing on the ground and walked up to it. She cried sweetly, "Grandma!" grandma Zhang hurriedly got up and went up to meet Xiaolan. She hugged Xiaolan, touched Xiaolan's face with one hand, pressed her old face against Xiaolan's forehead, and said excitedly, "my son, my son! You and my family are closer than my family! Grandma often troubles you, I'm sorry." Xiaolan listened to grandma's words. She wiped her hands on her apron. She raised her head and smiled and said, "grandma, don't be polite, just think I'm your granddaughter!"


爱上海后花园论坛  Xiaolan and grandma came to the yard together and hung the washed clothes on the clothes rack. A gust of wind blew. They waved happily to Xiaolan as if to say, "thank you for taking a bath and making me white."

爱上海后花园论坛  晾完衣服,小兰给张奶奶讲了许多笑话和故事,张奶奶笑得前俯后仰。

  After drying the clothes, Xiao Lan told grandma Zhang many jokes and stories, and grandma Zhang laughed so much.


爱上海后花园论坛  At this time, I don't know who's heard a beautiful song: as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world. Xiaolan listened to it, and her heart was as sweet as honey, with a satisfied smile on her face.


不是亲人 胜似亲人_700字01-21



胜似亲人 _650字02-11





