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爱上海后花园论坛  每逢中秋佳节,大家都会去赏月,下面是语文迷网整理提供的赏月的英语作文范文,欢迎阅读参考。


  中秋节赏月的英语作文 1

  Yesterday was the Mid-Autumn Festival, after dinner, dad and my mother happily sitting in the balcony while eating moon cakes, while eating persimmon, the full moon on the side.

爱上海后花园论坛  昨天是中秋节,晚饭以后,我和爸爸、妈妈高高兴兴地坐在阳台上,一边吃月饼,一边吃柿子,一边赏月。

爱上海后花园论坛  The Full Moon has a golden hanging high in the sky, bringing a shed on the ground to the moonlight, as if Qingsha generally gentle. The sky is light cloud, the wind is very light, very beautiful moonlight, which constitutes a beautiful painting. In the dark blue night sky, the moon is brighter and more beautiful. So the United States and the moon to heart and would not allow it?


  This is a very naughty Full Moon, while clouds into the arms of her sister, while the stars and talk, sing and dance for a while ... really ... it to do. At this time my father said: "In fact, the moon is not illuminated. It is like a mirror reflection to the suns light to earth, these are not just hot." Soon, the moon appears next to the trace of the shadow. Dad said: "This is the dark shadow of the moon on the sea, but there is no water."

爱上海后花园论坛  这圆月非常调皮,一会儿钻进云姐姐的怀里,一会儿和星星谈话,一会儿唱歌跳舞……真拿它没办法。这时爸爸说:“其实月亮是不会发光的。它就像一面镜子,把太阳的光反射到地球上,所以这些光是不热的'”。不久,月亮旁边出现了一丝阴影。爸爸又说:“这黑影子是月亮上的‘海’,不过里面没有水。”

爱上海后花园论坛  Ah! This is bringing a bright caught my reverie. "Ah! I know, when Chang E must be very sorry, I should phrase the ancient poem Chang-e regret to steal a panacea, Bihaiqingtian heart every night. Yes! Secretly looked at her and Hou Yi. Hou Yi in the Earth Chang E to look at the moon and fruits, quietly miss the Chang-e. Wu Gang, say, is to cut more than 500 non-stop ten feet high tree, cut a long and dedicated rabbit ... ... ... ... pound medicine in a mortar ". This Content From Joozone-com.


爱上海后花园论坛  Mid-Autumn Festival really happy it is not only a round moon, but also their loved ones and a round-together. The Mid-Autumn Moon it is incredible!


  中秋节赏月的英语作文 2

爱上海后花园论坛  又一年中秋,又见一轮圆月播洒着清辉挂在中天。

  Another Mid Autumn Festival saw a full moon casting clear light in the sky.

爱上海后花园论坛  月亮又圆了。我的心,也随着飘逸的云朵和微拂而来的风升起了许多情思,脸上的泪水悄然滑落——挚爱的奶奶去了天国了!

爱上海后花园论坛  The moon is round again. My heart, with the elegant clouds and the breeze blowing, has raised a lot of feelings, and the tears on my face have slipped quietly - my beloved grandma has gone to heaven!


  Looking back on the Mid Autumn Festival, my parents were far away from home and could not come back to get together. In order not to make me feel lonely when I was young, my kind grandma always took me away from the noisy neighbors, walked in the sparsely populated streets and smiled. I held the moon cakes sent by my parents from afar, occasionally lifted them to give my grandma a bite, and soon walked to the riverside. At that time, the moon was extremely round, shining in the water, as if the water was covered with a layer of silver sand, and the waves were naughty on the beach. In my grandmothers arms, I listened to my parents apologetic blessings on my mobile phone. I was in a trance, always feeling like heaven and earth.


  The river wind blew slowly, and a sense of coolness made me shiver. My warmhearted grandmother immediately put on her clothes, touched my head, looked at the distant river sails, and told me many beautiful and moving fairy tales, which made me forget the loneliness of my parents absence. I stared at Grandma. I didnt know why Grandma, who had never been to school, told so many moving stories

爱上海后花园论坛  可是,奶奶几年前去了天国陪伴爷爷了,今年的中秋节,爸爸妈妈都陪伴在我身边,可我始终心里酸酸的,我觉得只有奶奶在的中秋才是最完美的团圆日子。小小年龄的我已经品尝到悲伤离别的忧愁了。我的内心深处流淌着一脉悠悠的清泉,我知道,这就是思念。

  However, my grandma went to the heaven to accompany my grandpa a few years ago. This years Mid Autumn Festival, my parents accompanied me, but I always felt sad. I thought that only the Mid Autumn Festival in which my grandma was there was the most perfect reunion day. At a young age, I have tasted the sadness of parting. There is a long spring flowing in my heart. I know that this is missing.


  Looking at the bright moon, it seems that the moon has turned into Grandmas kind smiling face. My nose is sore, and two lines of tears flow down. I turn my back, but my careful parents see my mind and gently tell me that Grandma has been reunited with Grandpa in the heaven, and they are protecting me in the heaven.

爱上海后花园论坛  是吗,奶奶?

爱上海后花园论坛  Really, Grandma?

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 3

爱上海后花园论坛  “爸爸,我们去赏月吧。老师让我们中秋节晚上要赏月。”我抱着爸爸的大肚皮说。

  "Dad, lets go to see the moon. The teacher asked us to enjoy the moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. " I said holding my fathers big belly.

爱上海后花园论坛  “小傻瓜,外面下着雨呢。”爸爸摸着我的头说。

  "Little fool, its raining outside." Dad touched my head and said.

爱上海后花园论坛  “那我们打着雨伞去吧。”我认真地说。

  "Then lets go with an umbrella." I mean it.


爱上海后花园论坛  Its dark. I cant see my fingers. Light rain "sand sand" underground. My father and I stood in the rain with umbrellas and watched the sky.


爱上海后花园论坛  "Dad, why is the moon the most round on Mid Autumn Festival?"

爱上海后花园论坛  “因为中秋节是个团圆的日子。”

  "Because Mid Autumn Festival is a day of reunion."


爱上海后花园论坛  "Can the orphans in the disaster area of Sichuan also have the Mid Autumn Festival of reunion?"


  My father didnt answer my question immediately, but thought for a while, and then said, "the motherland is a big family, and children all over the country will have a reunion Mid Autumn Festival."


爱上海后花园论坛  What my father said is very good! Although I didnt see the moon tonight, I believe that children all over the country will have a happy, sweet and round Mid Autumn Festival.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 4

爱上海后花园论坛  今天是中秋节,爸爸哼着“常回家看看,回家看看……”,带着我和妈妈回爷爷家团聚。路上,我看到除了饮食店,很多商店都关了门,可见中秋节在人们的心中是那么重要。

  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. My father hummed, "Go home and have a look..." and took my mother and I back to my grandpas house to get together. On the way, I saw that many stores were closed except the catering stores, which shows that the Mid Autumn Festival is so important in peoples minds.


  After dinner, Grandma set out on the roof to worship the moon. I helped to make a basket of all kinds of fruits: grapefruit, red persimmon, longan, pomegranate, grape, apple, etc. Beside the fruit basket is a beautiful flower basket and a box of delicately packaged vegetarian cakes... Looking at a table full of offerings, I thought to myself: How big should Changes refrigerator be to accommodate so many offerings in the world!

爱上海后花园论坛  “凡亚比”台风刚过,昨天还下着倾盆大雨,今晚却明月当空照。估计,月亮也早就在盼望节日的到来,好给大地披上银装。爷爷望着天上的月亮对我说:“表哥在美国,明天才能看见这月亮。”真是每逢佳节倍思亲啊!我对着那圆圆的`月亮,不禁朗诵出李白写的《古朗月行》:“小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。”

爱上海后花园论坛  Typhoon "Fanyabi" has just passed, and it was raining cats and dogs yesterday, but the moon is shining in the sky tonight. It is estimated that the moon has long been looking forward to the arrival of the festival, so as to put silver on the earth. Grandpa looked at the moon in the sky and said to me, "My cousin is in America, and we can see the moon tomorrow." I really miss my relatives every holiday! Facing the round moon, I couldnt help but recite Li Bais "Gulang Moonlight": "When I was young, I didnt know the moon, so I called it a white jade plate. I also suspected that the Yaotai Mirror was flying in the clouds."


  Before Grandma finished the worship, I urged my mother to take me to "RT Mart" to guess riddles. As soon as I got to the entrance of the mall, I saw people rushing to the mall. We couldnt find a parking space at all. Mother said that the foreigners could not go home for reunion. They were celebrating the festival in another way. Lets give them space.


  The bright moon shines on the villagers, as well as on the relatives in the hometown. "I wish you a long life and a thousand miles of happiness."

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 5


  The Mid Autumn Festival is on August 15th every year. Today, when I got out of bed, I stretched and sat on the bed to get dressed. My mother came to my room immediately and looked at me with excitement. I was scared. I said weakly, "What are you doing? Come here early in the morning." Mother said: Today is the Mid Autumn Festival! I smiled and said, "Oh."


  After I finished brushing my teeth, I went to the living room, and my mother began to talk to herself, "Later, I will go shopping, wash clothes, and buy dumplings..." My mother pointed her finger and said. Mom said again, "Its wonderful to eat moon cakes and look at the moon at night." I went to the balcony, opened the curtains, and said to my mother, "Look, its raining today. How can I look at the moon and stars later?" As soon as I said this, my mother seemed to be in a lot of depression. I hurried to say, "Maybe the weather will be fine again later." Mom said, "I hope so!"


  My father also got up. The old man who was still drunk said, "My car hasnt come back yet. Go and get it after dinner!" Mother had to agree. We went to Grandmas for lunch, and the food was very rich, including braised chicken, long beans, salted goose, pickled fish... We ate very quickly, and finished it in 20 minutes. After we saw grandma and grandpa again, we went to Changshu immediately.


  When I got to my fathers parking space, I found my fathers wheels were locked. Because my father had parked in that place for one night, my fathers front wheels were locked. He ran to a small pavilion and another fat uncle said a few words. The fat uncle called someone to unlock the car. As soon as we got home, Grandma called and said, "We must go back for dinner. She cooked dumplings, dumplings, and dumplings..."


爱上海后花园论坛  After watching TV at home, we set out for the contract. When we got home, our family sat on the table of the Eight Immortals, eating dumplings and chatting. Grandma told us stories about the Mid Autumn Festival.


爱上海后花园论坛  This is my Mid Autumn Festival!

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 6

爱上海后花园论坛  On August 15 of the lunar calendar, the annual Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. I look forward to the Mid-Autumn Festival. I can reunite with my family, enjoy the moon and share the sweet moon cakes.

  My father told me the origin of Mid-Autumn Festival, a beautiful legend. I know a hero named Hou Yi. He climbed up the mountain, opened his bow and shot down nine suns to make people live a good life. There are also beautiful Change and the story of Change running to the moon.

  I look forward to Mid-Autumn Festival!

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 7

  Every year The Mid-Autumn Festival in August 15 at this time the people all want to eat the moon cake, to enjoy looking at the moon, the moom is very beautiful. THIS Festival is also a family holiday .and we are also stay together.The family member are happy, because that day moon is roundest.but the most happy thing is we can get together .Also has many wonderful stories about midautumn festivals moon, is having these expectation, Midautumn Festival, We also enjoyed looking at the moon this year.That is the Mid-Autumn Day in my mind. I will always re-member: East or West, home is best.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 8

爱上海后花园论坛  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, mom and Dad took me to the beautiful Binjiang Park put lanterns.

  The night sky on the stars, the moon is big and round, like a big copper. The sky suddenly appeared a lot of twinkling lanterns. Mother told me, as long as the desire to write in the above, the wish will be able to achieve. We bought lanterns, I personally write the desire, the ignition, inflated, flying. The lanterns flying high, our desire to bring the moon on the moon sister.

爱上海后花园论坛  The mid autumn festival night more beautiful ah!

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 9

爱上海后花园论坛  Today isMid-autumn Day. I have a big meal at home with my parents and relatives. This isan important festival, so my mother was busy with preparing the dinner frommorning. She bought a lot of foods for the dinner.

  We ate the dinner at 5:30p.m.. The dinner was very delicious. I was so full. After dinner, we went totheHongTingParkto enjoy the glorious full moon. There were many people in the park. We talked toeach other and strangers. Of course, the moon cake was essential. We had agreat night there.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 10

  Th Moon Fstival or Mid –autumn Fstival is on of th thr major traditional fstivals clbratd by Chins popl. Lik harvst tim in othr countris, th Mid-autumn Fstival actually bgan as a thanksgiving clbration, honoring th Soil God and th Crop God. This is also a tim for family runions. Chins popl njoy moon caks during this fast just as thy at ric dumplings for th Dragon Boat Fstival. It is quit appropriat to bring moon caks with you in tokn of fstival grtings whn calling on popl during this sason.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 11

  Today isMid-autumn Day. I have a big meal at home with my parents and relatives.

爱上海后花园论坛  This isan important festival, so my mother was busy with preparing the dinner frommorning. She bought a lot of foods for the dinner. We ate the dinner at 5:30p.m.. The dinner was very delicious. I was so full. After dinner, we went totheHongTingParkto enjoy the glorious full moon. There were many people in the park. We talked toeach other and strangers. Of course, the moon cake was essential. We had agreat night there.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 12

爱上海后花园论坛  Mid-autumnDay


  中秋节赏月的英语作文 13

  Today is Mid-autumn Day. I have a big meal at home with my parents and relatives. This is an important festival,so my mother was busy with preparing the dinner from morning. She bought a lot of foods for the dinner. We ate the dinner at 5:30 p.m.. The dinner was very delicious. I was so full.

  After dinner,we went to theHongTingParkto enjoy the glorious full moon. There were many people in the park.We talked to each other and strangers. Of course,the moon cake was essential.

  We had a great night there.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 14

爱上海后花园论坛  Last night is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I got home early because its a day for family to stay together. Mom have told me that if I wanted to have a delicious dinner, then I should go shopping and buy something. So I went to the supermarket and buy something to eat at night.

  When I got there, so many people are there and I have no idea what I should to buy. Luckily I have already made a list which all the things I need to buy are on it. After 2-hour shopping, finnally I got home exhaustedly. And for what I had done, we had a very delicious dinner together.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 15

  Mid-autumn Festival

  My favourite festival is Mid-autumn Festival. Mid-autumn Festival is an important festival in China. It usually comes in September or October. On that day the moon is the fullest of a year. We can usually see the full moon in the evening at Mid-autumn Festival. People get together and have a big meal at Mid-autumns Eve. After dinner, people usually watch the full moon and play the fireworks. There are many different kinds of mooncakes. Some have meat inside, some have eggs and some have fruits. They are all very delicious.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 16

  Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival in China. Almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day. Most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival. A saying goes, "The moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest". Many people who live far away from homes want to go back to have a family reunion. How happy it is to enjoy the moon cakes while watching the full moon with your family members.



  2) to have a family reunion家庭团聚

  3) the full moon满月

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 17

爱上海后花园论坛  The Moon Festival or Mid –autumn Festival is one of the three major traditional festivals celebrated by Chinese people. Like harvest time in other countries, the Mid-autumn Festival actually began as a thanksgiving celebration, honoring the Soil God and the Crop God.

爱上海后花园论坛  This is also a time for family reunions. Chinese people enjoy moon cakes during this feast just as they eat rice dumplings for the Dragon Boat Festival. It is quite appropriate to bring moon cakes with you in token of festival greetings when calling on people during this season.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 18

  The middle-autumn festival

爱上海后花园论坛  The mid-autumn festival is coming,people are very happy.

  The mid-autumn festival is a very important chinese festival.at this time the moon is round and bright, home of people together to eat moon cakes, looking at the moon. the moon cake is a circular ,the symbolic reunion, so everybody like it.

爱上海后花园论坛  In this festival,i hope everyone in the world will stay with family,share love from the family forever,and i hope everybody‘s dream will come true.

  I think the middle-autumn festival is a very nice festival for chinese people.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 19

爱上海后花园论坛  Today is Mid-autumn Day. I have a big meal at home with my parents and relatives. This isan important festival, so my mother was busy with preparing the dinner frommorning. She bought a lot of foods for the dinner. We ate the dinner at 5:30p.m.

爱上海后花园论坛  The dinner was very delicious. I was so full. After dinner, we went totheHongTingParkto enjoy the glorious full moon. There were many people in the park.

爱上海后花园论坛  We talked toeach other and strangers. Of course, the moon cake was essential. We had agreat night there.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 20

  The world is enveloped in moonlight. A poetic feeling arises and softnepervades the atmosphere. At this time, a breeze of ten accompanies the silvery light of the moon and gives the world a peculiar appearance and the people a peculiar feeling. The air is suffused with a sweet scent, driving away the uglineand squal or of the daytime, soothing the distressed and wretched souls. If you sing a song, your voice will reach the clouds.

爱上海后花园论坛  If you read a poem, it will echo in the mountains and valleys far away. If you hum a lullaby, its rhythm will send the whole sleeplecity to dreams.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 21

爱上海后花园论坛  the Middle-Autumn Festival

爱上海后花园论坛  The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals,it is often held in September or ng the festival,family members get united and have mooncakes e are various kind of mooncakes,such as bean paste,egg-yolk or shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big over,in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival,people get together in a vacant place,eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark conclude,the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.

  中秋节赏月的英语作文 22

  the mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. the people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king. so they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes. on the 15th day of the 8th luna***pared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. it seems that chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.









