




  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 1

爱上海后花园论坛  SpringThere are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. And every season has three months. I think every season is beautiful and I think spring is the best season of the year! So I like spring very much. What about you?

爱上海后花园论坛  When the weather become warm and sunny, everything comes to life again, they seem to tell us— spring has come . In much of China. Spring is usually very short. But the days get longer. It’s usually from March to May. Sometime it’s colder but it gets warmer. At spring times, In the fields everything begins to grow. Trees turn green, and flowers start to come out.

  Spring can make people happy! If you do some sports at that time, you will join them. Like flying the kite, going fishing, going hiking and so on. It’s can make people happy and also can keep people healthy. I think it’s very interesting!Summer, full of vigor, is beautiful, but I think spring is more beautiful because it is a naivetest season.

爱上海后花园论坛  一年有四个季节。它们是春天、夏天、秋天和冬天。每个季节有三个月。我认为每个季节都是美丽的,我认为春天是一年中最好的季节!所以我非常喜欢春天。你呢?



  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 2

  Some people think that the best way to advise people is simply to find what they want and help them attain it? In my view, this method is generally not the best way to proceed in advising others; it ignores the plain truth that many people do not know what they want and do not know what is best for them.

爱上海后花园论坛  My main reason for rejecting this technique is that people very rarely have any clear idea of what they want. This applies not only to consumer items such as clothing, cars and luxury items but also to what they want out of life in general. In fact, numerous studies have shown that most people cannot list the ten things they want most out of life, even if given considerable time to think about it.

爱上海后花园论坛  My second reason for rejecting this method is that more often than not what people want is not what is best for them. Parents continually face this problem when advising their children. For example, suppose a child wants to quit school and get a job. Surely, the parents would be derelict in helping their child attain this want instead of convincing the child that continuing education would be in his or her best interest.

爱上海后花园论坛  Admittedly, following the proposed advising method would result in a high rate of compliance, since the person being advised would act consistently with his or her own will by following the advice. However, as noted above, acting according to what one wants is not necessarily desirable. Proponents of this method might also point to college counselors as models of this technique. However, college counselors should not necessarily be held up as models for advising people generally, let alone as models for advising students.




爱上海后花园论坛  无可否认,按照建议的建议方法行事将导致很高的依从率,因为被建议的人将按照他或她自己的意愿行事,遵循建议。然而,如上所述,随心所欲并不一定是可取的。这种方法的支持者可能还会把大学辅导员作为这种技术的典范。然而,大学辅导员不一定要成为一般人建议的榜样,更不用说为学生提供建议了。

  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 3

  New factories often bring many good things to acommunity, such as jobs and increased prosperity.However, in my opinion, the benefits of having a factory are outweighed by the risks. That iswhy I oppose the plan to build a factory near my community.

  I believe that this city would be harmed by a large factory. In particular, a factory woulddestroy the quality of the air and water in town. Factories bring smog and pollution. In thelong run, the environment will be hurt and people’s health will be affected. Having a factory isnot worth that rise.

  Of course, more jobs will be created by the factory. Our population will grow. Toaccommodate more workers, more homes and stores will be needed. Do we really want thismuch growth, so fast? If our town is going in growth, I would prefer slow growth with goodplanning. I don’t want to see rows of cheaply constructed townhouses. Our quality of lifemust be considered.

爱上海后花园论坛  I believe that this growth will change our city too much. I love my hometown because it is asafe, small town. It is also easy to travel here. If we must expand to hold new citizens, thesmall-town feel will be gone. I mould miss that greatly.

  A factory would be helpful in some ways. However, I feel that the dangers are greater thanthe benefits. I cannot support a plan to build a factory here, and hope that others feel the sameway.


爱上海后花园论坛  我相信这个城市会被一个大工厂所损害。特别是,工厂会破坏镇上的空气和水的质量。工厂带来烟雾和污染。从长远来看,环境将受到伤害,人们的健康将受到影响。拥有一家工厂不值那么多钱。




  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 4

爱上海后花园论坛  The shortage of housing is one of the most serious problems facing many big cities in China. Though the government has spent a large sum of money on housing,the investment has not been very resultful and a housing shortage still exists. Two generations sharing one room and newlymarried couples finding it difficult to have a house of their own are still common cases. Housing shortage is a problem that requires an immediate solution.

  People's attitudes towards the solution to the housing problem are different. Some suggest building more tall apartment buildings; others believe that we should develop underground housing areas. I am in favour of the former opinion. For one thing, it is cheaper to build upward than downward. For another, living underground for a long time will do harm to people's health. Above all,people are unwilling to live underground with artificial lighting and they prefer to live normally on the ground to enjoy the sunshine.

  Although there may be some other ways to solve the housing shortage problem, I believe to build more apartment buildings is one of the feasible solutions to the housing problem.

爱上海后花园论坛  住房短缺是中国许多大城市面临的最严重问题之一。虽然政府在住房上投入了大量资金,但投资并没有取得很大成效,住房短缺仍然存在。两代人合住一个房间,新婚夫妇很难拥有自己的房子,这仍然是常见的情况。住房短缺是一个需要立即解决的问题。

爱上海后花园论坛  人们对解决住房问题的态度是不同的。一些人建议建造更多的高层公寓楼;另一些人则认为我们应该开发地下住宅区。我赞成前一种观点。首先,向上建造比向下建造更便宜。另一方面,长时间生活在地下会对人们的健康有害。最重要的是,人们不愿意生活在有人工照明的地下,他们更喜欢在地面上正常生活,享受阳光。


  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 5

  Credit card offers a convenient way to buy goods but every coin has two sides. From the cartoon above we see that credit card can lead to unmanageable debt and financial crisis if used unwisely. So people should keep in mind the risk of using credit card and try to spend money wisely.

  First, before applying a credit card, people should make sure whether they can afford to pay back money spent on the card.

爱上海后花园论坛  Second, it is very important to work out what kind of card meets their needs.

  Third, people should try to pay their balance in full every month, or they will be charged interest and have negative effects on their credit scores.

  Finally, since some cards have high interest rates and fees when failing to pay back, it is necessary to work out the cost before using the cards.


爱上海后花园论坛  首先,在申请信用卡之前,人们应该确定他们是否有能力偿还信用卡上的钱。


爱上海后花园论坛  第三,人们应该尽量每个月全额支付他们的余额,否则他们将被收取利息,并对他们的信用评分产生负面影响。


  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 6

  In an age of overflowing information, college students need to rapidly process what's coming at them and know how to manage and act on it. They should keep in touch with the world outside campus and adjust themselves to the real society in shortest time.College students can get to know the world outside campus through a variety of ways.

爱上海后花园论坛  They can keep themselves informed by watching TV, listening to radio broadcasts, reading newspapers etc. Even they can take up a part-time job in spare time.Truthfully, everyone needs to enter into society when they reach a certain age.

  As for me, I plan to find a part-time job in a training center because I decide to be an English teacher after graduation. I know only in practice can I learn more useful teaching skills.

爱上海后花园论坛  在这个信息泛滥的时代,大学生们需要快速处理眼前的信息,并知道如何管理和采取行动。他们应该与校园外的世界保持联系,在最短的时间内适应现实社会。大学生可以通过多种途径了解校园外的世界。

爱上海后花园论坛  他们可以通过看电视、听广播、读报纸等来保持自己的信息灵通。甚至他们可以在业余时间从事兼职工作。说实话,每个人到了一定的年龄都需要进入社会。

爱上海后花园论坛  至于我,我打算在培训中心找一份兼职工作,因为我决定毕业后当一名英语老师。我知道只有在实践中我才能学到更多有用的教学技巧。

  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 7

  Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling

爱上海后花园论坛  Correct spelling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it.

爱上海后花园论坛  They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling.

  To change this situation, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one hand, the teachers should give more attention to students spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study.

爱上海后花园论坛  To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.




爱上海后花园论坛  为了改变这种状况,在我看来,老师和学生应该共同努力。一方面,教师应该更加关注学生的拼写,要求学生从学习英语的一开始就意识到正确拼写的重要性。另一方面,学生自己应该意识到正确的拼写在英语学习中是必须的。

爱上海后花园论坛  总之,正确的拼写是如此重要,学生和教师都应该不遗余力地实现正确的拼写。

  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 8

爱上海后花园论坛  Nowadays,the overwhelming influence of advertisements on media has made too many controversial social issues.Some people argue that advertisements make the audience have the similar look by driving them to buy products of the same brand.Personally,I fundamentally agree with this assertion,and my reasons will be explored as below.

爱上海后花园论坛  Admittedly,the literal intention of advertisements is to sharpen the concept of individualism.For the purpose of distinguishing brand names,slogans and testimonials in advertisement are always full of very personalized words,including "new","innovation","uniqueness","revolution","the best","the only","the first".It is clear that core values of these words bring people a motivation to change,and a desire to try something distinctive.Consequently,the gap between people can be broadened,because any individual is stimulated by advertisements to express their personalities by buy different items,instead of following common tastes.

爱上海后花园论坛  However,when considering practical effects of advertisements on the society,I strongly believe they play a role of depersonalizing the audience,and the first reason is that commercials are the key tool for big companies to monopolize the market.One hand,many big companies invest billions of dollars annually in making fascinating and prepossessing advertisements to attract the public,which consistently maintains the loyalty of patrons,and cultivate good impressions of potential customers on their brands.On the other hand,small companies have too limited financial ability to afford these costly publicity campaigns,so that their names and influences continue to fade and lose consumer groups.That is to say,advertisements,an expensive privilege only for rich and big companies,help these companies exclusively occupy the market,as well as reducing the diversity of brands.In this situation,people definitely look the same,because they have no other options but buy the same-brand food,clothes and devices produced by a dominating company.

  Another reason supporting this assertion lies on the fact that exposure to advertisements standardizes thoughts and tastes among audiences,especially in terms of their appearance.A typical example comes from fashion,cosmetic and shampoo commercials which highlight the close-up of images of certain model or celebrity.This is a strong brainwash by implying that images of these actors are common standards of human beauty,and then triggering massive public imitation shows round by round.In too many cases,large groups of hypnotized people,regardless of ages,careers and races,blindly follow and chase so-called iconic figures in an advertisement,mainly through buying and using the same lipstick and perfume,wearing same clothes,watch,ornaments and bag,even copying the same hair style.

  In conclusion,I believe the main social influence of advertisements is to make people have the similar images apparently.Although slogans of advertisements tend to individualize the audience,the truth is that advertisements not only let big companies rule the market solely,but also manipulate the public’s minds to buy the same things.






  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 9

  Learning English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but not the only way. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

爱上海后花园论坛  There are many advantages to learning English in an English-speaking country. Therefore, it is a good idea to study English in the UK or the US. However, I believe this is not the only way to learn a language.

  First, most students from non-English speaking countries learn English in high school or college. Although their level of spoken English is usually not very high, their knowledge of grammar is quite advanced. This is of course useful when they later come to an English-speaking country to perfect the language.

爱上海后花园论坛  However, studying English in an English-speaking country is obviously advantageous, as students have ample opportunities to practice listening and speaking every day. In addition, students can experience foreign cultures, which is of great help to understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British or American family. However, since students are taught by native speakers, their reading and writing skills will also improve.

  Just as every coin has two sides, learning English at home has also been proven to be effective. At home, students will have less stress and problems with accommodation, expensive tuition and living expenses.

  In conclusion, learning English in an English-speaking country is desirable, but if a student is talented and committed to learning, a reasonable level of English can be achieved at home.




爱上海后花园论坛  然而,在说英语的国家学习英语显然是有利的,因为学生每天有充足的机会练习听力和口语。此外,学生可以体验外国文化,这对理解语言有很大的帮助。如果他们选择与英国或美国家庭住在一起,情况尤其如此。然而,由于学生是由母语人士授课,他们的阅读和写作技能也会得到提高。



  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 10

  Why should we learn English?

爱上海后花园论坛  As we all know, English is becoming more and more popular in the world. Today, more people speak English as their first,second or foreign language than ever before. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn and master English well. Here are the?? reasons:

  First of all, learning English is a good way to communicate with others, especially those native English speakers.if you are good at English, you will have more chances than any other people to talk with foreigners. Secondly, by learning English, we can learn more words and expressions so that we can read some interesting books, newspapers and magazines. We can also understand the instructions on some products. What’s more, as a senior high school student, our dream is to get into a good college. However, English is an important subject at present. In order to achieve our aims, we have no choice except learning it well.

  All in all, no matter where we are and what we do, learning another language such as English plays an important part in our daily lives.


爱上海后花园论坛  我们都知道,英语在世界上变得越来越流行。今天,把英语作为第一、第二语言或外语的人比以往任何时候都多。因此,学好和掌握英语对我们来说很有必要。这些是??原因:



  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 11

  The progression of computer is inevitable and undeniable. Nowadays computers also have become a part of our daily life. Instead of leaving home to go to shop bank and work people can do these at home by clicking the buttons. However, some people hold the opinion that it will cause people isolated from each other and lose social skills.

爱上海后花园论坛  Personally I find it hard for me to agree with this opinion by following reasons

  In the first instance, computers are tool to communication with people instead of isolation from the world. When we say a person is isolated it means that he is lonely and cut off the world. However, people seldom have this feeling while they are surfing the Internet. On the contrary, people tend to make more friends through the net.

爱上海后花园论坛  Secondly, people also can acquire social skills on Internet. Communication on Internet has the same purpose as face-to-face communication has. For example, through Internet we can send greeting cards to our friends. Furthermore, sometimes it might be a better way of communication on some occasions such as when you find it embarrassing to say sorry face to face we can send a message of apology to your friend.

爱上海后花园论坛  Last but not least, doing something through Internet actually spares more time for our social life. Sometime we need to spend a lot of time shopping in department stores. Now we can save the time and may visit our friends.

爱上海后花园论坛  In general, computer just make our life more colorful so we don’t need to worry about the changes its may bring to us. Especially most of these changes are positive.

爱上海后花园论坛  计算机的发展是不可避免和不可否认的。如今,电脑也已成为我们日常生活的一部分。而不是离开家去商店,银行和工作,人们可以做这些在家里点击按钮。然而,有些人认为这会导致人们彼此孤立,失去社交技能。


爱上海后花园论坛  首先,电脑是与人交流的工具,而不是与世界隔绝。当我们说一个人是孤立的,这意味着他是孤独的,与世界隔绝。然而,人们在上网时很少有这种感觉。相反,人们倾向于通过网络结交更多的朋友。



爱上海后花园论坛  总的来说,电脑只是让我们的生活更加丰富多彩,所以我们不需要担心它可能给我们带来的变化。尤其是这些变化大多是积极的。

  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 12

  The advantages and disadvantages of the exam

  Exams are very important,but it has advantages and disadvantages .

爱上海后花园论坛  The following may illustrate its advantages: First, by exams, we can find out how well we have learned lessons in the past days. Second, exams are a kind of motivation of study because in order to get top grades, we focus more on study. We will spend less time on playing games.

  Every coin has two sides, so it is with the exam. It has disadvantages too. Many students feel very nervous about the exam because they pay too much attention to the scores. If they get high scores, they will be very happy. However, if they fail, they will feel very sad because their teachers or parents may criticize them.

爱上海后花园论坛  In my opinion, it is necessary to have exams because we are students. We should take correct attitudes towards it. Moreover, we should carry out reforms on the exams.For example, we also should evaluate how the students perform in their daily classes or how well their homework is. Maybe the daily performances are 40% and the exam is 60%.In this way, students will not only pay attention to the exam but also to their daily performance.





爱上海后花园论坛  在我看来,考试是必要的,因为我们是学生。我们应该采取正确的态度。此外,我们应该对考试进行改革。例如,我们还应该评估学生在日常课堂上的表现或他们的家庭作业做得如何。也许日常演出占40%,考试占60%。这样一来,学生不仅会关注考试,还会关注自己的日常表现。

  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 13

  College Students‘Living Condition

  Recently, the living condition of some college students is frequently referred to as “dwelling-narrowness”. In fact, this embarrassing situation is very serious that few of us can fail to meditate on the causes of it.

爱上海后花园论坛  In the first place, it‘s difficult for graduates to bear the high cost of life in big cities. Poor payment thus gives rise to bad living conditions. Next, college students are more ambitious. Many of them are eager to compete in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing, where talents are abundant and positions are limited. Refusing to go back hometown let them suffer in big cities, which indirectly make their situation worse.

  Generally speaking, college students should be more qualified to better themselves and adjust their goals according to the reality.


爱上海后花园论坛  首先,大学生很难承受大城市的高生活成本。因此,微薄的报酬导致了恶劣的生活条件。其次,大学生更有野心。他们中的许多人渴望在上海、北京等人才丰富、职位有限的大城市竞争。拒绝回老家让他们在大城市受苦,这间接地使他们的处境更糟。


  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 14

  Nowadays, there has been a heated discussion as to the relationship between parents and children. Views on the topic vary greatly among people from different walks of life. Some believe that parents should spend more time with their children, but others consider it better to ask children to show more understanding towards their parents.

  On one hand, I agree with the idea that as children, we should show more understanding and appreciate the love and life our parents have provided us with. Therefore, we could help our parents at home, say, share some of the housework. Furthermore, we could also tell them “I love you” every day to thank them. On the other hand, working parents are busy and have great pressure, so it is likely that they neglect their kids. Hence, to improve their relationship, parents could sit down and talk with their children, listen to their problems, help them and respect them.

  However, from my perspective, this is not one man’s job. Both parents and children should work to understand each other. Thus, it is crucial to have effective communication. Only in this way can the relationship between parents and children be improved!


爱上海后花园论坛  一方面,我同意这样的观点,作为孩子,我们应该表现出更多的理解和感激我们的父母给我们提供的爱和生活。因此,我们可以帮助我们的父母在家里,说,分担一些家务。此外,我们也可以每天告诉他们“我爱你”来感谢他们。另一方面,工作的父母很忙,压力很大,所以他们很可能忽视了他们的孩子。因此,为了改善他们的关系,父母可以坐下来和孩子交谈,倾听他们的问题,帮助他们,尊重他们。


  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 15

爱上海后花园论坛  It has been admitted that mother's love is the greatest, because they give birth to us and never ask anything from us. Some people take this kind of love for granted. They do many things to hurt the one who loves them most. How can we do this? I just want to say that before our mother becomes old, we still can do things to treat them well.

  When we were kids, it was our mother that companied us all the time, and they took care of everything. The common problem for the kids is picky about the food. It is one of the annoyed problems for mothers. According to the news report, a mother who was from America was annoyed by this problem all the time, so she learned to make the food with all kinds of cartoon images. When her child saw them, he was so happy and ate up the food.

  A mother can do everything to make her children be happy. Though my mother couldn't do all kinds of delicious food for me, she tries hard to make me eat more. When I hear some people complain about their parents, I feel sorry for them, because they don't know the meaning of gratitude.




  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 16

爱上海后花园论坛  What is life about? We push very hard everyday to make more money, to gain power and recognition.

  We neglect our health, time with our family and to appreciate the surrounding beauty and the hobbies we love to do. One day when we look back, we will realize that we don‘t really need that much, but then we cannot turn back time for what we have missed.

  Life is not about making money, acquiring power or recognition. Life is definitely not about work! Work is only necessary to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.

爱上海后花园论坛  Life is a balance of work and play, family and personal time. You have to decide how you want to balance your life.Define your priorities, realize what you are able to compromise but always let some of your decisions be based on your instincts.

  Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,the whole aim of human existence. So, take it easy, do what you want to do and appreciate nature. Life is fragile. Life is short. Do not take life for granted. Live a balanced lifestyle and enjoy life!





爱上海后花园论坛  幸福是人生的意义和目的,是人类存在的全部目的。所以,放轻松,做你想做的事,欣赏大自然。生命是脆弱的。人生苦短。不要认为生活是理所当然的。过平衡的生活,享受生活!

  大学英语四级作文万能模板议论文 17

爱上海后花园论坛  Each year, college students, encouraged to aid students in the poverty-stricken areas, volunteer themselves in poor villages for a year and try to improve education in poor areas.

爱上海后花园论坛  Aid education has been beneficial in two aspects. For one thing, college volunteers are really devoted to the cause. They have opened the eyes of students in underdeveloped regions to the outside world by bringing them new knowledge and thoughts. As a result, they are extremely well-received by the children there. For another thing, college students have received a rigorous recitation and no-distance friendship from the children. In addition, they are greatly inspired by the moving and tireless spirit of the children.

爱上海后花园论坛  每年,鼓励大学生到贫困地区助学,到贫困村做一年的志愿者,努力改善贫困地区的教育。

爱上海后花园论坛  援助教育的好处体现在两个方面。一方面,大学志愿者确实致力于这项事业。他们给欠发达地区的学生带来了新的知识和思想,打开了他们的眼界,让他们看到了外面的世界。因此,他们非常受孩子们的欢迎。另一方面,大学生从孩子们那里得到了严格的背诵和无距离的友谊。此外,孩子们的感动和不懈的精神也给了他们很大的启发。

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  It is said that the world without love like the fish without water. I think it is right. Love is of utmost importance to us humans. Love is like the sunshine which makes people feel warm. Love is like the light in the dark which can give people hope and call forth peoples strength and help them step out of their difficulties. In our world, everybody not only needs love, but also should give others love.

  I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the following example.For instance when someone is starving to death, just a little food and water from you may save his life. Again, when a little girl in a poor rural area drops out of school because of poverty, just a small sum of money from you may support her to finish school and change her life. In these case/circumstances you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most needed.



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爱上海后花园论坛  Nowadays, there are a considerable number of individuals who prefer to lead a low-carbon lifestyle which find expression in the fact that more and more commuters are using public transportation system in their daily life.

  Low carbon lifestyle can endow us and our society with numerous benefits. Firstly, it goes beyond doubt that low carbon lifestyle contributes a lot to the environmental protection and it is a favorable way to slow down the rate of climate change of our earth, which also means a lot to our health.

爱上海后花园论坛  We are supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbon lifestyle, which is of great significance. And there is a diversity of measures we can take so as to lead such an environmental-friendly life. For one thing, we are expected to minimize the use of private cars, which emit a large amount of greenhouse gases. For another, we are supposed to cultivate the public awareness of energy conservation for energy in the world today is decreasing rapidly. For instance, we can turn off electrical appliances if not necessary as well as using renewable materials. Furthermore, at our leisure, we can seek opportunities to plant more trees which can absorb carbon-dioxide.

爱上海后花园论坛  In brief, low carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment.

爱上海后花园论坛  如今,有相当多的人喜欢过低碳的生活方式,这表现在越来越多的通勤者在日常生活中使用公共交通系统。




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爱上海后花园论坛  Science is important to most people living in the modern world for a number of reasons.Science is important to world peace, to the understanding of technology,and to our understanding of the natural world. Science is also an interesting area of study for a number of reasons. Some areas of science are espacially interesting because they deal with questions all men and women ask themselves.Science tries to procide some explanations for what happens to people.

  Science is hard to study.One of the reason is that there are so many questions without answers.Much of sciece involves asking questions, and then studying and doing research to try to find the answers.Some questions have been studied by research scientists for many years,and the answers are still not known.However,scientists are slowly but surely able to answer more and more questions about life,and these answers change our lives and also explain them.

  All of the many different kinds of science are important and interesting.Scientists are asking and answering many interesting and important questions about people and their lives.A basic knowledge of science can help you to understand both the questions and the answers. In the modern world,this ability is essential to everyone.




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爱上海后花园论坛  There is no doubt that we should never go out there to see what happens; instead, we should take actions to make things happen. A telling example is Youyou Tu. She and her colleagues made 380 extracts from 2,00 herbs before they finally succeeded in discovering the pure substance qinghaosu, which can be used to treat malaria. As we all know, there were numerous scientists who wanted to find this substance, but it was her firm actions that made her the first Chinese Nobel laureate in medicine.

爱上海后花园论坛  Why?Reasons are quite simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful. In addition, in an age full of ruthless and relentless competitions, without taking actions to make things happen, we are bound to lose those valuable opportunities. For instance, if Apple had just gone out there to see what happens in mobile phones, it could not have presented the amazing product, iPhone, to us.

  Accordingly, we college students should not just be a watcher but a doer. In my humble opinion, we can start from applying what we have learned into practice.




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  Practice Makes Perfect

爱上海后花园论坛  There is an old saying itl China: Practice makes perfect. Practice is a means and perfect is a goal. Only when you do more practice can you make things perfect. This is true not only in our learning but also in other walks of life. Take the study of English for example. Practice enables us to spell words correctly and master the rules of grammar quickly and practice also makes us hecome fluent in speaking and writing. It is ahnost impossible for a person to speak English fluently and accurately without a lot of practice. Another case in point is cooking. A good cook can prepare a delicious meah But you will not be surprised at his performance if you know how much time he has spent practising.

爱上海后花园论坛  Through practice, he then becomes an expert at cooking. It goes without saying that practice makes perfect. Only through practice can one be good at doing things. Since we have realized the importance of practice, why not put it into practice?




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爱上海后花园论坛  The usage of Internet becomes one of the most controversial topics in the society. As a college student, I believe Internet is beneficial to me more than the way it harms me. There are many advantages for using Internet. First, I can best use my time to find information online instead of going to different libraries. Also, the information can be dated back in decades ago. It is very helpful to use those information as reference and historical proof. In the library, it is hard to find so much "old" information. Another advantage to use Internet is that I can stay home and have a lecture online. It is much more convenience to me because I can stay warm to have class in the winter time instead of spending two hours on the bus and physically attend class. In addition, Internet provides me a better way to communicate with my friends and professors. I can get response from my professor in a few minutes instead of waiting outside of his door for hours. Some of my friends are living in a foreign countries, I can simply just drop him an email whenever I can and get a message from him very quick. It is much better than waiting for letters. Also, the email will not lose while the letter might be losing in the process of delivery.

  However, there are also disadvantage of using Internet. For example, I might spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on my study. Also, there is a chance that I am cheated because of the Internet purchasing. Last, Internet has lots of information, both helpful and harmful. There might be too much tempatation that I will access some of the harmful information I can on the Internet.

  Even though the usage of Internet has both positive and negative effect to me, I still consider Internet is a symbol of technology development. I believe I can use the Internet very well as long as I know how to control myself.

爱上海后花园论坛  互联网的使用成为社会上最具争议的话题之一。作为一名大学生,我相信互联网对我的好处大于它对我的伤害。使用互联网有很多好处。首先,我可以最好地利用我的时间在网上查找信息,而不是去不同的图书馆。此外,这些信息可以追溯到几十年前。利用这些信息作为参考和历史证据是很有帮助的。在图书馆里,很难找到这么多的“旧”资料。使用互联网的另一个好处是,我可以呆在家里,有一个在线讲座。这对我来说更方便,因为我可以在冬天上课时保持温暖,而不是花两个小时在公共汽车上和身体去上课。此外,互联网为我提供了一个更好的方式来与我的朋友和教授交流。我可以在几分钟内得到教授的回复,而不用在他的门外等上几个小时。我的一些朋友住在国外,我可以随时给他发一封电子邮件,很快就能收到他的消息。这比等信好多了。此外,电子邮件不会丢失,而信件可能会丢失在交付过程中。



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  With the development of information techno1ogy and reduced price of communication products, the mobi1e phone has become a necessity for most people. Obviously, it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient. Thanks to it, it’s easy for us to contact or be contacted by others anytime and anywhere.

  We will never miss any important meetings,great deals or admirable opportunities. But,have you noticed sometimes the mobile phone also brings embarrassment to us? It’s not rare to see someone pressing the mobile phone to his ear and shouting 1oud1y in public as if there were no one else present. And I’m sure each one has had such an experience that the mobi1e phone ring continuous1y on a formal occasion.

爱上海后花园论坛  Perhaps these People have many 1ife-and-death reasons to keep the phone working at all times, but it interrupts people around them who have to hear what they don’t care when they want to concentrate on what they’re doing.

爱上海后花园论坛  So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It’s a respect for both others and yourself.


爱上海后花园论坛  我们不会错过任何重要会议、大交易、好机会。但是,你有没有注意到有时候手机也会给我们带来尴尬?在公共场合看到有人把手机贴在耳边大声喊叫,就好像没有其他人在场一样,这并不罕见。我相信每个人都有过这样的经历:在正式场合,手机响个不停。

爱上海后花园论坛  也许这些人有很多生死攸关的理由让手机一直开着,但它会打扰周围的人,因为当他们想集中精力做事情的时候,他们不得不听到他们不在乎的声音。


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爱上海后花园论坛  When asked about do you like live with roommates,the overwhelming majority of most students answer that they quite willing to live in the dormitory.But fewer people hold that they can not bear the hostel environment and it seems that the number is increasing.

  There are mainly three reasons responsible for this phenomenon. In the first place,as most students never stay away from parents , so they was not accustomed to live in the dormitory and they will try to move out and to get more private place.What’s more,the living conditions are generally not so good ,there are no modern equipments,and students have to obey many regulations when living in the dormitory.At length,the roomates all are come from the different place,living habits are quite different.

  From my point of view,it would be better for college students to live in the dormitory .On the one hand,it is good for college students to communicate with each other,which is will help to develop social and professional skills.On the other hand,living in the outside is more expensive than in the dormitory.We can use the money saved from renting a house to do something meaningful.

爱上海后花园论坛  当被问及你是否喜欢和室友住在一起时,绝大多数学生回答他们非常愿意住在宿舍。但是越来越少的人认为他们不能忍受宿舍的环境,似乎这个数字正在增加。


爱上海后花园论坛  从我的角度来看,大学生最好住在宿舍。一方面,大学生之间的交流是有好处的,这将有助于发展社会技能和专业技能。另一方面,住在外面比住在宿舍要贵。我们可以用租房子省下来的钱做一些有意义的事情。

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爱上海后花园论坛  There are many arguments about the advantages and disadvantages of examination. Some people think examination is the only way to test how examinees have mastered what they have studied and it is the only measurement for examiners to select which persons they need. While, on the other hand, some object that examination can’t measure how the students have really studied. They say it can do nothing but burden the students.

  As for me, I think for both examiners and examinees, the examination can show what and how much the examinees have mastered. The results of examinations are just like mirrors for both examiners and examinees. Through examination the examiners can know whether they have done well, so that they’ll make much improvement in their work. As far as examinees are concerned, they can not only know how they have studied but also find out what they are still unknown or what they haven’t mastered well. Thus, they will be inspired to make greater efforts to improve their studying method so as to make greater progress. Of course, too many examinations are burdens to both examiners and examinees.

爱上海后花园论坛  In sum, the examination does more good than harm for both examiners and examinees. We must take a correct attitude towards examination. We should take full advantage of it and avoid its disadvantage.




爱上海后花园论坛  总之,考试对考官和考生都是利大于弊。我们必须对考试采取正确的态度。我们应该充分利用它,避免它的缺点。

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  Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus

爱上海后花园论坛  It’s necessary for college students to know the world outside the campus. For one thing, it can make students know themselves so that they can modify their ways in studies. For another, it will lay foundation for their future career. Finally, they can practice their abilities in management, organization and so on.

爱上海后花园论坛  There are many ways for students to get to know the outside world. First, they can know the world from mass media, such as newspapers, TV, radios, magazines and advertisements which provide information about political events, social news, the latest development in science and technology and so forth. Second, they can know the world from social services, such as job瞙unting, private teaching which offer students the opportunities to know the society. Third, students can also make some investigations in factories and villages, talking with the workers or farmers to learn their experiences.

  As a student, I think the first thing I should do is to study hard to lay a good foundation for my future job. The other thing I can do is to do some partime jobs to gain personal experience about the world outside the campus.


爱上海后花园论坛  大学生有必要了解校园外的世界。一方面,它可以让学生了解自己,这样他们就可以改变自己的学习方式。另一方面,这将为他们未来的职业生涯奠定基础。最后,他们可以锻炼自己在管理、组织等方面的能力。

爱上海后花园论坛  学生有很多途径去了解外面的世界。首先,他们可以从大众媒体了解世界,如报纸、电视、收音机、杂志和广告,这些媒体提供有关政治事件、社会新闻、科学技术的最新发展等信息。其次,他们可以从社会服务中了解世界,比如工作瞙,私人教学,这些都为学生提供了了解社会的机会。第三,学生也可以在工厂和村庄做一些调查,与工人或农民交谈,学习他们的经验。

爱上海后花园论坛  作为一名学生,我认为我应该做的第一件事就是努力学习,为我未来的工作打下良好的基础。我能做的另一件事就是做一些兼职工作来获得关于校园外世界的个人经验。

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  Life in the University

爱上海后花园论坛  Life in the university is not as satisfactory as what we had expected. First of all, we are tightly bound by continual classes, excessive homework and exams; some students complain that we are becoming “exam machines”. Secondly, the teaching method is boring; instead of lecturing. Some teachers just “read” lessons. Finally, living conditions need to be improved; and food in the dining瞙all is far from being attractive and tasteful.

  In spite of all these adversities we still enjoy our life in the university. During the four瞴ear university study, we cannot only acquire a lot of book learning, but also various activities, such as speech contests. Different social gatherings and dancing parties can provide opportunities to make friends; many of these friendships may last a long time.

  In short, we should value our life in the university. Four years is only a short period when compared with our whole lifetime. In the university we become mature, and we prepare ourselves for the real world, although there is something unsatisfying, the four years in the university is a worthwhile period in our whole lifetime.


爱上海后花园论坛  大学生活并不像我们所期望的那样令人满意。首先,我们被持续的课程、繁重的作业和考试紧紧束缚着;一些学生抱怨我们正在变成“考试机器”。其次,教学方法枯燥;而不是说教。有些老师只是“朗读”课程。最后,生活条件需要改善;和食物在餐厅瞙都是远远没有吸引力和品味。

爱上海后花园论坛  尽管有这些逆境,我们仍然享受我们的大学生活。在瞴四年级的大学学习中,我们不仅获得了大量的书本知识,还参加了各种各样的活动,比如演讲比赛。不同的社交聚会和舞会可以提供结交朋友的机会;许多这样的友谊可能会持续很长时间。

爱上海后花园论坛  总之,我们应该珍惜我们的大学生活。与我们的一生相比,四年只是很短的一段时间。在大学里,我们变得成熟,我们为现实世界做准备,虽然有一些不尽如人意的地方,但大学四年是我们一生中值得的一段时间。

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  The Twoay Weekend

  Generally speaking, twoay weekends are not only a time for us college students to relax, but also a time to improve ourselves. To test from a week’s hard work, we have plenty of recreation opportunities. We can read to our hearts’ content, can go sightseeing, and can play games with our friends. Some students find partime jobs at weekends so that they can ease their families’ financial burdens.

爱上海后花园论坛  However, some students are just wasting their time. Some spend their time playing cards, and even drinking and eating with their friends. Some spend the whole weekend going traveling and feel tired when they return to school, so that their studies will be greatly affected.

  As a student, I think the first thing I should do is to go over the lessons. Spending two or three hours in going over lessons every weekend will give me great returns. After finishing my schoolwork, I can do many other things, for example, mountain climbing, watching films and skating. In short, if we plan well, we can achieve a bit on weekends. Otherwise, we’ll get nothing.



爱上海后花园论坛  然而,一些学生只是在浪费时间。有些人把时间花在打牌上,甚至和朋友一起吃喝。一些人花了整个周末去旅游,当他们回到学校时感到很累,所以他们的学习将受到很大的影响。


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  Successful Language Learners

  Some people seem to have talents for learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary, master roles of grammar, and learn to write in the new language more quickly than others. Now let’s take a close look at these successful language learners to see what we can get from them.

爱上海后花园论坛  First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the roles for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrongly, they try again. They attempt to learn from their mistakes.

  Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to think in the language than to know the meaning for every word.

  Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them.

  What kind of language learners are you? If you are successful, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.




爱上海后花园论坛  成功的语言学习是主动学习。因此,成功的学习者不会坐等使用语言的机会;他们寻找这样的机会。他们不害怕重复他们所听到的或说奇怪的事情;他们愿意犯错误并再试一次。当沟通困难时,他们可以接受不准确或不完整的信息。对他们来说,用语言思考比知道每个单词的意思更重要。



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  The Internet has penetrated every aspect of daily life and exerted a huge impact on our work and study. For example, Microblogs and Wechat are two forms of new media. Various people, regardless of their age, gender or background, are involved in creating their own microblogs and using Wechat.

  There has been much controversy over whether the new technology is a boon or a bane. Some people believe that the Internet is a great asset. Modern technology considerably alters the way people communicate with each other. Also, people can now acquire useful information online with a click of the mouse. However, there is a growing concern about the potential drawbacks of the Internet, especially in terms of personal security. For example, WeChat may expose one’s location to strangers by positioning function, cheat one’s friends by faking identity, and lose one’s money in the electronic wallet.

爱上海后花园论坛  Owing to the accelerated pace of contemporary life, people’s work and life are increasingly confined to a narrow space. However, in face of new technology, we should be prudent. One should make sensible use of technology, being a master rather than a slave of it.

爱上海后花园论坛  互联网已经渗透到我们日常生活的方方面面,对我们的工作和学习产生了巨大的影响。例如,微博和微信是两种新媒体形式。各种各样的人,不分年龄、性别和背景,都在创建自己的微博和使用微信。

爱上海后花园论坛  关于这项新技术是福还是祸,一直存在很多争议。有些人认为,互联网是一个伟大的资产。现代科技极大地改变了人们相互沟通的方式。此外,人们现在可以通过点击鼠标在网上获取有用的信息。然而,人们越来越担心互联网的潜在弊端,尤其是在个人安全方面。例如,微信可能会通过定位功能将自己的位置暴露给陌生人,通过伪造身份欺骗朋友,以及在电子钱包中丢失钱。

爱上海后花园论坛  由于当代生活节奏的加快,人们的工作和生活越来越局限于一个狭小的空间。然而,面对新技术,我们应该谨慎。一个人应该合理利用技术,做技术的主人而不是奴隶。

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  A True, Good Student

爱上海后花园论坛  What is meant by a true, good student ? A true, good student is one who possesses good morality, sound health, perfect knowledge and various abilities. To attain this, I shall give a few suggestions as follows:

爱上海后花园论坛  First, cultivate good morality. One of the best qualities of a student is good behavior. Bad character is easily scorned and disdained. Polite manners and noble ideas make up a true man. Such evil habits as smoking, drinking, gambling, etc. should be got rid of. Whenever you find something wrong, correct it quickly. You should be sincere to your friends, respectful to your teachers and the elder. In short, you should do everything right.

  Second, study diligently and put your knowledge to practical use. “Knowledge is power”, said Francis Bacon. One will not reach the rich storehouse of knowledge unless he studies carefully: no diligence, no accomplishment. To apply knowledge to practical use is, however, more important. Students ought to apply their learning to something practical to benefit the people.

爱上海后花园论坛  Third, make your body strong and healthy. Health is the key to success. Broken in health, one can do nothing. A sound mind is found only in a sound body. The healthier your body is, the brighter your mind will be, and the higher learning you can attain. So you should never neglect your health. “Work while you work; play while you play” is a good way for everybody to observe.

  With the foregoing three points in mind, you may be “a truly good student”.



爱上海后花园论坛  第一,培养良好的道德。学生最好的品质之一是良好的行为举止。坏品格容易被人嘲笑和蔑视。礼貌的举止和高尚的思想构成一个真正的人。像抽烟、喝酒、赌博等坏习惯应予戒除。无论何时发现错误,都要迅速改正。你应该真诚对待你的朋友,尊敬你的老师和长辈。简而言之,你应该把每件事都做好。




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  Studying Abroad

  Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, by looking at our own country from the outside,we can clearly see the strong points and weak points of our nation and therefore widen our vision and broaden our minds. Second, while studying in a foreign country, we can travel widely, visiting famous scenic spots and making friends with the local people. Thirdly, we can use the foreign language in our daily life so that our ability in the second language may be improved quickly. But the most important thing in attending a foreign university is to get acquainted with the latest knowledge in science and technology and make use of the first瞨ate facilities available. For all these advantages, it is really worthwhile to go abroad for education.

爱上海后花园论坛  However, as everything has two sides, there are also some disadvantages in attending a foreign university. The most serious problem is the language barrier. Most of the students who are ready to go abroad do not have adequate proficiency in the language spoken there. Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, so most students have to find partime jobs in order to support themselves. Faced with these difficulties, many students find themselves unable to pay full attention to their studies and some students may even fail in their courses and learn little.


爱上海后花园论坛  在国外上学有很多好处。首先,通过从外面看我们自己的国家,我们可以清楚地看到我们国家的优点和缺点,从而扩大我们的视野,开阔我们的思想。其次,在国外学习时,我们可以广泛旅行,参观著名景点,与当地人交朋友。第三,我们可以在日常生活中使用外语,这样我们的第二语言能力就可以迅速提高。但在上国外大学最重要的是要熟悉最新的科学技术知识,并充分利用瞨先进的设施。考虑到所有这些优点,出国留学是非常值得的。


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  The Importance of Selfducation

  Selfducation brings success. Though we students have teachers to help us, still we should pay more attention to selftudy. Here are some suggestions.

爱上海后花园论坛  First, read outside our class. Every new book one reads will benefit him in one way or another. The more we read, the more we are benefited. As life is short and knowledge is infinite, we should try to read as many books as we can.

  Second, improve our memory and reasoning powers. If we read more and more, we can make our memory and reasoning powers improve to some degree. Moreover, we shall be able to write more clearly and correctly.

  Third, develop our character. When we have formed the habit of reading, we can put into practice what they have taught and build up a good character.

爱上海后花园论坛  In a word, if we want to educate ourselves, the most important thing for us to do is to read not only our textbooks, but also any other books that are within our reach.


爱上海后花园论坛  自我教育带来成功。虽然我们学生有老师帮助我们,但我们仍然应该更加注意自学。这里有一些建议。

爱上海后花园论坛  首先,在课外阅读。一个人读的每一本新书都会在这样或那样的方面给他带来好处。我们读书越多,受益越多。生命是短暂的,知识是无限的,我们应该尽可能多地读书。


爱上海后花园论坛  第三,培养我们的性格。当我们养成了阅读的习惯,我们就可以把他们教给我们的东西付诸实践,培养良好的品格。


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  Recently it has become a common phenomenon for college students to have two majors at the same time. In this way, they can get double BA degrees when they graduate from the university several years later.

爱上海后花园论坛  Although it may bring unfavorable consequences, we can be sure to conclude that this practice is favorable on the whole. To begin with, most students will become more hardworking and efficient in order to finish the learning tasks satisfactorily. Moreover, with two degrees at hand after graduation, they will stand a better chance in the job market full of fierce competition. In the third place, as for today's university students, tuition and fees are becoming more and more expensive. If they can make achievements in study at school and find a satisfactory job afterwards, it will not be a big problem.

  Weighing the pros and cons of such a new trend, we can naturally arrive at the conclusion that it is beneficial and rewarding. This system not only compels students to work hard, but also prepares them for the coming competition.


爱上海后花园论坛  尽管它可能带来不利的后果,但我们可以肯定地得出这样的结论:总的来说,这种做法是有利的。首先,为了圆满地完成学习任务,大多数学生会变得更加努力和高效。此外,毕业后手上有两个学位,他们将在充满激烈竞争的就业市场上有更好的机会。第三,对于现在的大学生来说,学杂费变得越来越贵。如果他们能在学校学习取得成绩,然后找到一份满意的工作,这将不是一个大问题。


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  Importance of Education

爱上海后花园论坛  The prosperity of a nation depends on the development of education. Throughout the world whatever advance has been made in science and technology is due to education, which brings forth by scientists and inventors. It is never overdone no matter how one emphasizes the importance of education. There is no doubt that countries with undeveloped education will remain poor.

  Education is as vital to the development of an individual as it is to that of a nation. Of all the elements of success in our careers none is more vital than education. It is not the genius that makes the difference between success and failure. Education is the driving power. In fact, most of the famous people in our times spent many years in studies. Can you name any great men you admire who are not educated persons?

  Yet some people are still ignorant of its importance. Some parents, especially in the countryside, think that it is unnecessary to send their children to school. Some other parents are so selfish that they have their children work for money. In consideration of the situation, compulsory education must be enforced to ensure that there will be enough educated young people for the future of our country.



爱上海后花园论坛  教育对一个人的发展和对一个国家的发展一样重要。在我们事业成功的所有因素中,没有比教育更重要的了。决定成功与失败的不是天才。教育是动力。事实上,我们这个时代的大多数名人都花了很多年的时间学习。你能说出你钦佩的伟人中有谁不是受过教育的吗?


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爱上海后花园论坛  As an old saying goes,“Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.”Why is difficult to define, or rather discover and achievehappiness?I maintain the major determinant lies in a person’s attitudes.

爱上海后花园论坛  There is little correlation between the circumstance of people’s lives andhow happy they are. Instead,happinesslies inthe struggle to be happy.To demonstrate, people sometimes go to extremes,and frantically pursue money, power, high social status, and so on,which are all symbols of success—but never ofhappiness.Perhaps if they shifted their life’s goal from ultimate success to unswerving efforts and to a confidence that they will be successful one day they would bea great deal happier.

  Besides defining it, how do I achievehappiness?There is little doubt that various people have diverse ways of going about this task. As for me, the most significant secret is realizing thathappinessis a by-product of something else. The most obvious sources are those pursuits that give our lives a purpose.These can be anything from playing tennis to studying insects.The more passions we have, the morehappinesswe are likely to experience.

爱上海后花园论坛  俗话说:“幸福不是没有问题,而是有能力解决问题。”为什么很难定义,或者说很难发现和实现幸福?我认为主要的决定因素在于一个人的态度。



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  My Views on Internet Buzzwords

  In recent years, an increasing number of internet buzzwords have emerged into our vision. Many people regard them as shining stars, adding creativity and vitality to our language and leading to more effective communication among young people. However, defenders of traditional language hold that these buzzwords are likely to get in the way of young people’s learning of standard language and can be difficult to understand for the elder generation.

爱上海后花园论坛  As far as I am concerned, while Internet buzzwords make some difference to our culture, they cannot become the mainstream of our culture. Internet buzzwords do make our communication funnier and more vivid. But they only enjoy a high popularity among students and youngsters, and cannot be accepted by the majority. Although Internet buzzwords bring a sense of novelty among users, they cannot be fully understood by all people in real life. Some of these words are beyond our acceptability and are confusing to comprehend. Moreover, such informal language may have adverse effect on the sound development of our language and culture if used in news and formal documents.

爱上海后花园论坛  In conclusion, I firmly believe that as the younger generation, we should assume the responsibility to purify our standard and maintain cultural purity. In this way, we should not widely use the Internet buzzwords without limits.





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爱上海后花园论坛  Success is something that many people strive for, but that not everyone among us attains. When we consider the various factors that play a role in determining whether a person is successful in life,ambition and actionare two of the first to come to mind. Just asAmerican writer Napoleon Hillput it,“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. ”

  To illustrate, a young person who aspires to be a great chef might decide to buy some cookbooks, spend weekends practicing and refining his culinary techniques, or take on a part-time job at a local restaurant. On the other hand, if he simply ends up spending all his spare time surfing the Internet or playing video games, neither of which would give him the skills or experience needed to succeed.

  In conclusion,doing great things and doing small thingsare both essential in determining whether we flourish or fall behind. The former gives us the drive and direction to move forward, while the latter enables us to implement our vision and “make things happen”. In combination, they represent the winning formula that will put us firmly on the road to success.




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  Few things in the modern world have so much influence on people as the television does.Being besieged with TV news,absorbing teleplays,well-masterminded programmes,one can easily conclude that TV is a real blessing to the human society,offering affluent entertainment and information.Yet,convenient and helpful as it is,the television also brings negative effects.

爱上海后花园论坛  To begin with,TV makes people more passive than before: since everything on TV is ready-made,there is no space for audience’s initiatives.The news has been carefully edited,teleplays well shot,programmes rehearsed,so all you need to do-and all you can do is to sit on a comfortable sofa and look at the screen.Though a lot of people enjoy doing this,the undoubted truth is that people are becoming more passive simply because there is no interaction and no efforts on them.

  Television also contributes to the fact that people nowadays are more distant to each other.Since most of our free time is taken away by the act of watching TV,we can no longer find enough time to visit friends,call on relatives or go to interesting places.This is also true within a family,parents and children and other members are less close to each other,because family get-togethers and conversations are disturbed by TV-when one member is watching TV,he would like others to keep quiet.

爱上海后花园论坛  Of course I am not denying the great conveniences and huge benefits the TV brings us,but to make it a really blessing to us,we should try to avoid its negative effects.

爱上海后花园论坛  在现代世界中,很少有东西像电视那样对人们产生如此大的影响。被电视新闻包围,吸收电视剧,精心策划的节目,人们可以很容易地得出结论,电视是人类社会的真正祝福,提供丰富的娱乐和信息。然而,尽管电视很方便,也很有用,但它也带来了负面影响。

爱上海后花园论坛  首先,电视使人们比以前更被动:因为电视上的一切都是现成的,没有观众主动的空间。新闻经过精心编辑,电视剧拍摄精良,节目排练过,所以你所需要做的——你所能做的——就是坐在舒适的沙发上,看着屏幕。尽管很多人喜欢这样做,但毋庸置疑的事实是,人们变得越来越被动,仅仅是因为没有互动,没有努力。



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爱上海后花园论坛  The famous saying“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it”is rather thought-provoking, which tells us the real meaning oflife.It is contemporary social issue in China with common interests andpermanent value.

  In my view, there are good reasons toundertake meaningful thingsthat exert positive and profound influence on the society, such asprotecting the environment, helping vulnerable groups as well as promoting education.To illustrate,Abraham Lincolnnever wavered in his devotion to democracy and equality, whose lifehas become an inspirationin the United States and throughout the whole world. His life, though limited, definitely lasts longer, and is a life worth living.Likewise, a young person who aspires tobe a great writer might decide to buy some literary books or spend weekends writing and refining his works.Without any aspiration, he might simply end up spending all his spare timesurfing online or playing Internet games.

爱上海后花园论坛  In brief,a meaningful lifeserves to motivate and guide us in our daily lives. It provides us with the focus and direction that enable us to work towards accomplishing a special goal, objective or task.


爱上海后花园论坛  在我看来,有很好的理由去做有意义的事情,对社会产生积极而深远的影响,比如保护环境,帮助弱势群体以及促进教育。为了说明这一点,亚伯拉罕·林肯从未动摇过他对民主和平等的热爱,他的一生已经成为美国乃至全世界的灵感。他的生命虽然有限,但肯定更长久,而且是值得活下去的生命。同样,一个渴望成为伟大作家的年轻人可能会决定买一些文学书籍,或者花周末的时间写作和完善他的作品。如果没有任何抱负,他可能会把所有的业余时间都花在上网或玩网络游戏上。

爱上海后花园论坛  简而言之,有意义的生活可以激励和指导我们的日常生活。它为我们提供了焦点和方向,使我们能够朝着完成一个特殊的目标、目的或任务而努力。

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  Nowadays,it is difficult for us to consider how our lives would be like without television.Although television addict some adolescents to situation comedies;although televisions put glasses on millions of students’ noses;although television reduce communications between families and friends,I still think the advantages television brings to us is far more than the harm it does to us.

爱上海后花园论坛  To us individuals,when we finish a whole day’s work and feel exhausted both physically and mentally,we may turn on televisions and have a good relaxation;when we want to get information on sports、entertainment or large events in the world,we turn on televisions and get it from all kinds of TV programs;even when we want to learn English、etiquette or custom of foreign countries,we can turn on the television and get what we need from them,always.As to the corporate world,television is also of great use.By advertising their products or service on television,corporations can improve their sale and make more benefit.

  In a word,I think television is a great invention which is of great significance to the evolution of human society.




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  Although the world develops much faster and better,the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order to protect them,something must be done.

爱上海后花园论坛  Save water.Water is the source of life.No water,no life.So it's very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it,but also make full use of it.

  Save electricity.It is crucial.We can't imagine what the life will be like without it.Everyone should do his best to save electricity.Don't forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.

爱上海后花园论坛  Save forests.They are useful .Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead.Make our world a green one to live in.

  Recycle useful rubbish.Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper,bottles,and so on.

  We can save resources in this way.I believe we can make the world a better place to live in.


爱上海后花园论坛  要节约用水,水是生命之源。没有水,就没有生命。所以这对我们来说非常重要。我们不仅要保护饮用水,停止污染它,而且要充分利用它。





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  The Beauty of China’s Natural Landscapes

  China is home to some of the most breathtaking natural landscapes in the world. From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the serene waters of the Yangtze River, the country’s diverse geography offers a wealth of natural beauty to explore.

  One of the most iconic natural landmarks in China is the Great Wall. This ancient structure stretches over 13,000 miles and is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. Visitors can hike along the wall and take in stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

爱上海后花园论坛  Another must-see destination is the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, which inspired the floating mountains in the movie Avatar. The park is home to towering sandstone pillars, lush forests, and crystal-clear streams, making it a paradise for nature lovers.

  Other natural wonders in China include the Jiuzhaigou Valley, known for its colorful lakes and waterfalls, and the Yellow Mountains, famous for their misty peaks and ancient pine trees.

  Overall, China’s natural landscapes are a testament to the country’s rich history and cultural heritage. As more people around the world discover the beauty of these natural wonders, they will continue to inspire and awe visitors for generations to come.


爱上海后花园论坛  中国拥有世界上一些最令人叹为观止的自然景观。从巍峨的喜马拉雅山脉到宁静的长江,这个国家多样的地理位置为探索提供了丰富的自然美景。

爱上海后花园论坛  长城是中国最具标志性的自然地标之一。这座古老的建筑绵延13000多英里,是中国人民智慧和决心的见证。游客可以沿着城墙徒步,欣赏周围乡村的美景。



爱上海后花园论坛  总的来说,中国的自然景观证明了这个国家丰富的历史和文化遗产。随着世界各地越来越多的人发现这些自然奇观的美丽,它们将继续激励和敬畏后代的游客。

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  The Importance of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been practiced for thousands of years and is still widely used today in China and around the world. TCM encompasses a range of practices, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage, and is based on the principles of balance and harmony.

爱上海后花园论坛  One of the key principles of TCM is the concept of qi, or life force energy, which flows through the body along pathways known as meridians. When this energy is blocked or imbalanced, it can lead to illness or disease. TCM practitioners use a variety of techniques to restore balance and promote healing, such as acupuncture, which involves ing thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of qi.

爱上海后花园论坛  In addition to its use in treating illness, TCM is also valued for its ability to promote overall health and wellness. Many people use TCM practices such as tai chi and qigong to improve their physical and mental well-being.

  Overall, the importance of TCM lies in its holistic approach to health and wellness. By addressing the root causes of illness and promoting balance and harmony in the body, TCM offers a unique and valuable perspective on health that is increasingly recognized and appreciated around the world.



爱上海后花园论坛  中医的关键原则之一是气的概念,或生命力能量,它沿着被称为经络的路径流经身体。当这种能量被阻塞或不平衡时,就会导致疾病。中医从业者使用各种各样的技术来恢复平衡和促进愈合,比如针灸,它包括将细针插入身体的特定点来刺激气的流动。



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爱上海后花园论坛  Nowadays no matter where you go,you will find computers being used.For example,computers are used in universities,large corporations,and small offices.It has even been used in the homes of ordinary people.As it is able to store and process a large amount of information,the computer brings about great convenience and high efficiency to people of all walks of life.

  Computers can help people in different ways.For example,computer helps scientists in analyzing data and doing complex calculation.Besides,computers are made use of by engineers in designing a plane,or a spaceship.In addition,computers also play a great role in helping children with their lessons.You will find that it is necessary for people to use computers.

  However,the computer can never replace the human brain.The computer must be designed and instructed by man.And they need detailed instructions and programs prepared by humans to make decisions.



爱上海后花园论坛  然而,计算机永远不能取代人脑。计算机必须由人来设计和操作。它们需要人类准备的详细指令和程序来做决定。

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  The Rise of Chinese Culture in the World

  In recent years, Chinese culture has been gaining more and more attention and recognition around the world. From the popularity of Chinese cuisine to the success of Chinese films and TV shows, the influence of Chinese culture is growing rapidly.One of the main reasons for this rise in popularity is the increasing number of Chinese tourists traveling abroad. As they explore new countries and cultures, they also bring with them a curiosity and appreciation for their own heritage.

爱上海后花园论坛  This has led to a greater interest in Chinese art, music, and literature, as well as a desire to learn the Chinese language.Another factor contributing to the rise of Chinese culture is the country’s growing economic power.

爱上海后花园论坛  As China becomes a major player on the global stage, its culture is also gaining more exposure and influence. Chinese companies are investing in Hollywood and other entertainment industries, and Chinese artists and performers are gaining international recognition.

爱上海后花园论坛  Overall, the rise of Chinese culture is a testament to the country’s rich history and vibrant traditions.

  As more people around the world discover the beauty and complexity of Chinese culture, it will continue to have a profound impact on the global community.







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  The Evolution of Chinese Fashion

  Chinese fashion has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years, as designers and fashionistas alike embrace a new era of creativity and innovation. From traditional silk dresses to cutting-edge streetwear, Chinese fashion is making a name for itself on the global stage.

  One of the most influential designers in China today is Guo Pei, known for her elaborate and ornate couture gowns. Her designs have been worn by celebrities such as Rihanna and Lady Gaga, and have been featured in major fashion magazines around the world.

  Another rising star in the Chinese fashion scene is Xander Zhou, whose gender-bending designs challenge traditional notions of masculinity and femininity. His collections often feature bold colors, oversized silhouettes, and unexpected details.

爱上海后花园论坛  In addition to high-end fashion, Chinese streetwear is also gaining popularity among young people around the world. Brands such as Li-Ning and Li-Ning Way of Wade are known for their bold graphics and innovative designs, and have gained a following among sneakerheads and fashion enthusiasts alike.

  Overall, the evolution of Chinese fashion is a testament to the country’s growing influence and creativity. As more designers and brands emerge, Chinese fashion will continue to push boundaries and inspire new trends around the world.


爱上海后花园论坛  近年来,中国时尚经历了巨大的变革,设计师和时尚达人都拥抱了一个充满创造力和创新的新时代。从传统的丝绸连衣裙到前沿街头服饰,中国时尚正在全球舞台上扬名立万。

  郭培是当今中国最有影响力的设计师之一,她以精致华丽的高级定制礼服而闻名。蕾哈娜(Rihanna)和Lady Gaga等名人都穿过她的设计,并登上了世界各地的主要时尚杂志。

爱上海后花园论坛  中国时尚圈另一颗冉冉升起的新星是周赞德(Xander Zhou),他的性别扭曲设计挑战了传统的男性和女性观念。他的系列通常以大胆的色彩、超大的轮廓和意想不到的细节为特色。

爱上海后花园论坛  除了高端时尚,中国街头服饰也越来越受到世界各地年轻人的欢迎。李宁和李宁之路等品牌以其大胆的图形和创新的设计而闻名,在运动鞋迷和时尚爱好者中赢得了一批追随者。


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  Health and Wealth,Which Do You Prefer?

  "Health is wealth!".This is an old saying which the majority applaud.As a rule,the wealthier you are,the weaker is your health,but this cannot be applied to all.

爱上海后花园论坛  To begin with,a person that has health can afford to challenge all hardships.For example,manual workers are usually stout and energetic.With their energy,they earn their living.Although such an occupation brings little reward as compared with the energy they have exerted,they enjoy life whatever things may be.

爱上海后花园论坛  Moreover,business is based on health.Students in good health can absorb knowledge more readily.In good health,scientists can tackle complex technical problems and achieve more success.

  Frequently we find millionaires cling close to their doctors for they seldom have enough exercises to bring forth better health.Their lack of exercises slackens the readiness of growth of the antibodies to resist the attack of diseases.

  So,my argue is that health is more important than wealth for if we do not have health,what can we benefit from wealth?


爱上海后花园论坛  “健康就是财富!”这是一句大多数人都赞同的老话。一般来说,你越富有,你的健康状况就越差,但这并不适用于所有人。

爱上海后花园论坛  首先,一个健康的人可以承受挑战所有的困难。例如,体力劳动者通常是强壮而精力充沛的。他们用自己的能量来谋生。尽管与他们所付出的精力相比,这样的职业带来的回报很少,但无论如何,他们都享受生活。

爱上海后花园论坛  此外,生意是建立在健康的基础上的。身体健康的学生更容易吸收知识。在身体健康的情况下,科学家可以解决复杂的技术问题并取得更大的成功。

爱上海后花园论坛  我们经常发现百万富翁紧靠他们的医生,因为他们很少有足够的运动来促进健康。他们缺乏锻炼,减缓了抗体生长的准备,以抵抗疾病的攻击。

爱上海后花园论坛  所以,我的观点是,健康比财富更重要,因为如果我们没有健康,我们能从财富中受益什么?

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爱上海后花园论坛  Many young people in China today prefer Western holidays to traditional Chinese festivals. Christmas is now celebrated by the younger generation all over China, and it has become especially popular as a romantic holiday for boyfriends and girlfriends or young married couples. Valentine's Day is also extremely popular, and even Halloween is being celebrated now.

  This phenomenon has actually developed quite naturally in recent decades due to our educational system's focus on English study and therefore on English-speaking cultures. To many students, Western culture has become a symbol of self-expression and freedom from restraint. Celebrating Western holidays has become a way for students to express their love of something different from traditional Chinese culture, and to have fun together with their own generation.

  In my opinion, it's fine for students learning English and studying English-speaking cultures to celebrate Western holidays with their teachers and classmates. However, the way I see it, unless the young people later go abroad to live in those cultures, there is no reason for them to continue to celebrate them. We Chinese should hold on to our traditional festivals, the festivals which we have celebrated for centuries.

爱上海后花园论坛  如今,中国的许多年轻人更喜欢西方节日而不是传统的中国节日。现在,全中国的年轻一代都在庆祝圣诞节,它已经成为男女朋友或年轻夫妇的浪漫节日。情人节也非常受欢迎,现在甚至万圣节也在庆祝。


爱上海后花园论坛  在我看来,对于学习英语和学习英语文化的学生来说,与老师和同学一起庆祝西方节日是很好的。然而,在我看来,除非年轻人后来出国生活在那些文化中,否则他们没有理由继续庆祝这些文化。我们中国人应该坚持我们的传统节日,我们庆祝了几个世纪的节日。

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  The Importance of Environmental Protection

  Environmental protection is an urgent issue that is receiving increasing attention worldwide. With the rapid development of human civilization, the negative impact on the natural environment has become more and more evident. The deterioration of air quality, water pollution, soil erosion, and deforestation are just some of the pressing problems we are facing.

  Environmental protection has an important role to play in preserving the Earth's natural resources and maintaining sustainable development. It is crucial to prevent further damage to our surroundings and to work towards restoring damaged ecosystems. Everyone can make a difference by reducing waste and pollution, conserving energy, and using eco-friendly products. Governments, businesses, and citizens must work together and find innovative solutions to protect the environment for future generations.


爱上海后花园论坛  环境保护是一个紧迫的问题,越来越受到全世界的关注。随着人类文明的快速发展,对自然环境的负面影响也越来越明显。空气质量恶化、水污染、水土流失和森林砍伐只是我们面临的一些紧迫问题。


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  Should Women be Regarded as Inferior to Men?

  I never think that women should be treated as the second -class citizens. Observing objectively, youll find that women have succeeded in virtually any existing occupation you care to name: politicians, soldiers, doctors, university professors, lawyers, business executives, scientists and even presidents of countries. Todays intense competition in jobs is not only between men, but also between men and the weaker sex, who have often put men to shame in almost every field. Yet men refuse to acknowledge them and give women their due, and their attitude towards women becomes even more hostile. The only sound explanation for this is that men shun real competition- they are afraid of being beaten at the games that they consider to be their own.

  If there is anything that men are better than women, it is their physical strength. No other things that men claim to excel in are borne out by statistics. Physical strength excluded, the fact is that men and women are basically equal in all kinds of abilities except when it comes to language art and negotiation skills, at which women are better. You can be sure that if negotiation tasks were left to women who are gentler, more graceful and levelheaded, they would succeed brilliantly, where men have failed for centuries, and therefore war has been a frequent scene on this planet. Believe it or not, it is women who could turn those filthy and bloody battlefields into lands of joy. So some things are too important to be left to men!



爱上海后花园论坛  如果有什么地方男人比女人强,那就是他们的体力。在其他方面,没有人声称自己擅长的事情得到统计数据的证实。除了体力之外,事实是男女在各种能力上基本上是平等的,除了语言艺术和谈判技巧,女性在这方面更擅长。你可以肯定,如果把谈判任务交给更温和、更优雅、更冷静的女性,她们会取得辉煌的成功,而男性几个世纪以来都失败了,因此战争在这个星球上经常出现。信不信由你,是女人把那些肮脏血腥的战场变成了欢乐的土地。所以有些事情太重要了,不能留给男人!

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爱上海后花园论坛  There is no exaggeration in saying that when it comes to the choice after graduating from university, people who are standing at the crossroads may have different ideas. Some people may choose to further their study, while others may want to go abroad. Facing the choices of working in a state-owned business and a joint venture, I would like to choose the former one.

  The reasons are listed as following. At the top of the list, it is an undeniable factthe state-owned business can provide a stable life for me , so I can spend more time with my parents without worrying about other things. Additionally, we must admit that if I work in a state-owned business, I will work re-laxly and without much pressure.That is what I want. In line with a survey conducted by authorities concerned on the web, nearly two thirds of people interviewed like to make the same choice as me.

  In a word, if I can work in a state-owned business, I think, I will have a happy life.

爱上海后花园论坛  毫不夸张地说,当谈到大学毕业后的选择时,站在十字路口的人可能会有不同的想法。有些人可能会选择继续深造,而另一些人可能会想出国。在国有企业和合资企业工作之间,我宁愿选择前者。


爱上海后花园论坛  总之,如果我能在国有企业工作,我想,我会有一个幸福的生活。

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  Job hunting becomes increasingly tough for college students, for it is not only hard to be hired with a satisfying salary, but also difficult to choose a suitable work place. More and more students are to face the options between a state-owned business and a joint venture. As for me, I definitely prefer the latter.

爱上海后花园论坛  From a personal perspective, the joint venture generally offers a higher salary than the state-owned enterprise, which tends to meet the high expectation from me. As is universally known, with more money paid, more passion will be devoted to work. On the community level, the joint venture always possesses a more cooperative meanwhile more competitive working atmosphere, making every employee fully involved in working. And I strongly believe that competition brings about progress.

  In conclusion, the joint venture is much more suitable for me to work in than the state-owned business, for I prefer a higher salary, as well as a more competitive atmosphere.




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  ob hunting becomes increasingly tough for college graduates, for the larger number of graduates doesn’t balance with the limited job opportunities. As a result, more and more graduates choose to further their study. For me, I prefer going to a graduate school to continue my education.

  From a personal perspective, further education can equip me with more solid and profound knowledge for my future job, so the education in a graduate school can actually serve as a stepping stone in my future job hunting. On a community level, the experience of internship during school can also well develop my social skills of communicating and cooperating with my workmates. In a larger sense, the increasingly competitive job market is gradually raising its standards for the job hunters. Taking all these into account, the advantages seem to lie with the candidates with higher degrees.

  As the famous saying goes: “Slow down to speed up.” That is to say, further study may slow us down when entering the job market, but it does speed us up on our way to success!



爱上海后花园论坛  正如那句名言所说:“放慢速度才能加快速度。”也就是说,进一步的学习可能会减慢我们进入就业市场的速度,但它确实会加快我们走向成功的道路!

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  Recently, if you search the internet or other media, you would see reports on demoralization now and then. Universities are no exception. These demoralization shows in the following aspects: theft, lack of credibility, cheating in examinations, plagiarism in papers, improper interaction with the opposite sex etc. In sum, moral building on campus is of critical importance in students’ all-round development.

爱上海后花园论坛  On one hand, this requires the universities to attach great importance to natural environment planning and building. A good campus environment plays an active role in cultivating students’ ideology and moral education. On the other hand, the staff in the university should find the best in both Chinese and Western culture to educate the students. Students can learn important lessons from Western cultures, adding to our profound morality.

  We, as students in the university, should be aware of the importance of moral building. We should do something to support the moral building work, starting from little things around us. Students Union should organize some activities for students to take part in, highlighting the importance of moral building.

爱上海后花园论坛  最近,如果你在互联网或其他媒体上搜索,你会不时看到关于道德败坏的报道。大学也不例外。这些道德败坏表现在以下几个方面:偷窃、缺乏诚信、考试作弊、论文抄袭、与异性交往不当等。总之,校园道德建设对学生的全面发展至关重要。



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爱上海后花园论坛  An old saying goes: Life is full of roses and thorns. As we all know, one’s life is full of unexpected events, some of which are wonderful and some of which are disastrous. Those heavy blows, such as, floods, snowstorms, and earthquakes, threaten to weigh one down.

  However、it’s even worse if one can’t drag himself out of the grief in that mental break-down is more serious than the disaster itself. Instead of indulging oneself in sadness, one should take positive attitude towards life and contribute to the reconstruction of his or her life and hometown.

  As for me, if I am lucky enough to survive in a disaster, I will try my best to help those who are suffering by donation blood or money. If I am a victim, I will endeavor to recover from the sadness as soon as possible and be certain to be strong and supportive to the recovery work.

爱上海后花园论坛  俗话说:生活充满了玫瑰和荆棘。我们都知道,人的一生充满了意想不到的事情,有些是美好的,有些是灾难性的。那些沉重的打击,如洪水、暴风雪和地震,有使人倒下的危险。

爱上海后花园论坛  然而,更糟糕的是,如果一个人不能把自己从悲伤中拖出来,精神崩溃比灾难本身更严重。一个人不应该沉湎于悲伤之中,而应该以积极的态度对待生活,为自己的生活和家乡的重建做出贡献。


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爱上海后花园论坛  Our lives are guided by natural rhythms that are particular to each of us and cannot be altered by force of will alone. Life itself is a journey made up of processes and events that manifest before us only to be swept away when time marches on. Whether we envision ourselves creating a career, building a family, or developing the self, we instinctively know when the time has come for us to realize our dreams because all that is involved comes together harmoniously. When the time is right, the passage of destiny cannot be blocked. Yet as desperate as we are to touch these beautiful futures we have imagined, we cannot grow if we are not fully present in the evolutionary experience. The present can be challenging, uncomfortable, and tedious, but life unfolds as it will, and the universe will wait patiently as we make our way into the unknown.

爱上海后花园论坛  The fate that awaits us is not dependent on our pace, which was preordained before we ever appeared in human guise. Therefore there is no reason to rush through life to reach those pinnacles of development associated with the paths we have chosen. Enjoying and fully experiencing the journey of life is as important as achieving goals and reaching milestones. There are lessons we can learn during those moments that seem immaterial or insignificant that we cannot learn at any other time. Appreciating these takes patience, however, because human beings tend to focus on the fulfillment of expectations rather than the simple joys of being.

  Like many people, you have no doubt longed for a device that would give you the power to fast forward through certain periods of your existence. Yet haste is by its very nature vastly more stressful than serene fortitude. When you feel yourself growing impatient because the pace of your development is deceptively slow, remember that everything that will occur in your life will occur in its own time. Quelling your urge to rush will enable you to witness yourself learning, changing, and becoming stronger. There is so much to see and do in between the events and processes that we deem definitive. If you are patient enough to take pleasure in your existence's unfolding, the journey from one pinnacle to the next will seem to take no time at all.

爱上海后花园论坛  我们的生活是由我们每个人特有的自然节奏所引导的,单凭意志的力量是无法改变的。生活本身就是一段旅程,由各种过程和事件组成,这些过程和事件在我们面前显现,但随着时间的流逝,它们却被一扫而空。无论我们设想自己创造事业,组建家庭,还是发展自我,我们本能地知道什么时候实现我们的梦想,因为所有这些都是和谐地结合在一起的。当时机成熟时,命运的通道是无法阻挡的。然而,尽管我们不顾一切地想要触摸我们想象中的美好未来,但如果我们没有充分参与到进化的经历中,我们就无法成长。现在可能充满挑战,不舒服,乏味,但生活将会展开,宇宙会耐心地等待我们进入未知的道路。

爱上海后花园论坛  等待我们的命运并不取决于我们的步伐,这在我们以人类的面目出现之前就已经注定了。因此,没有理由匆匆忙忙地度过一生,去达到与我们所选择的道路相关的那些发展高峰。享受和充分体验人生的旅程与实现目标和达到里程碑同样重要。在那些看似无关紧要的时刻,我们可以学到一些教训,而这些教训在其他任何时候都学不到。然而,欣赏这些需要耐心,因为人类倾向于关注期望的实现,而不是存在的简单快乐。


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爱上海后花园论坛  In my life I have met a great many people who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever know is my English teacher.

  What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special qualities. First and foremost, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer-an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of English language and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Furthermore, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughs.

爱上海后花园论坛  Although it is nearly two years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.



爱上海后花园论坛  虽然离我上一次上他的课已经快两年了,但他是我们老同学的谈话会,我知道他的一部分已经留在了我的心里。

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  As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents.

  However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

爱上海后花园论坛  From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. But if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.













